Lo-wah on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/lo-wah/art/Tales-of-SS-Phantasia-Holiday-190853286Lo-wah

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Tales of SS: Phantasia Holiday



My secret santa gift for :iconxxjust-a-nobodyxx: over at the :icontales-of-fans: group. She asked for "The Tales of Phantasia guys (Cless, Chester, and Klarth) hanging out together" and i stepped it up and made it especially sort of xmas themed. *v*;; I hope this was a nice surprise. ILU BBY I hope you like it!! <333333333

I spent... such an unnecessary long time on this picture... But it's been such a long time since i colored something that i really enjoyed and really wanted to work on. So this pic is more than just a secret santa gift, it's a holiday gift to all my friends, to the people who watch and support me, and... to myself. <333

:heart:Merry Christmas guys! And happy holidays!!:heart:

Detail shots can be found on my tumblr: [link]

ToP (c) Namco bandai
Art (c) Lowahhhhh
Image size
1000x766px 282.94 KB
© 2010 - 2024 Lo-wah
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MoonlightTyger's avatar
So nice.  I really like the warm atmosphere and the camaraderie this conveys ^^