Portrait of a banned championlmajali on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/lmajali/art/Portrait-of-a-banned-champion-45456344lmajali

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Portrait of a banned champion



Faraj Darweesh.
22 years old.
Jordanian Boxing Champion, plays for Al-Baq'aa Refugee camp boxing club.

Faraj is currently banned from representing Jordan in tournaments.

In a tournament in Turkey, Faraj refused to play against a boxer from Israel, which cost him his international career.

The background reads " Al-Baq'aa the factory of champions"

I shot this as part of a photo essay i'm doing on this boxing club which has produced some of the best boxers in the arab world and in Jordan. The photos will be published in a magazine called Nox (www.nox-mag.com)

The editor wanted all the pics in color, and since i had both my digital camera and my leica, i used B&W for my personal shots, while the magazine is using the digital shots.

Shot with a Leica M6, 50mm F/2 Summicron, Fuji Neopan 1600 +1 . Lab Neg Scan.
Image size
558x800px 238.64 KB
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Mgsblade's avatar
I featured this picture in my recent journal :)