Inktober 16 - The Imperial AssassinLlythium-art on DeviantArt

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Inktober 16 - The Imperial Assassin





And here are all my inktober i did last month, my list was a mix between Characters of the Forest and Space Travelers.

16 - The Imperial Assassin

Discretion, rapidity, merciless and loyalty... That's what we expect from him, and that's what he is. Trained to be a weapon since he's a child, he never thought about being anything else that what he is now. After being born with no identity, he's grateful to be useful to someone, it gives his life a meaning, a goal. Sometimes, he wonders how his life would have been if he hadn't been picked up in the street. Nothing could have been worse than being useless. He won't change his life for anything, but... What is life without personality ?
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520x712px 53.95 KB
© 2017 - 2025 Llythium-art
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theRainbowDArts1387's avatar
He looks like a Kineceleran a bit. But without his wheels, hehe