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Lizzy-John's avatar

The Undines



er..not sure how 'mature content' this is, but there is a little monster nudity and I did go a little overboard with the blood, so I'll put it down as so =O

Anyway, I'm designing monsters that are sorta morbid twisty versions of the four classic elementals for a comic I want to make. All about witches and spirits and junk. I've been doing tons of crappy chara and enviro sketches for it, but I thought some proper artwork would be nice. The story behind my elementals put simply is that they began to mutate after the Laughing God, who created them, withdrew from the world. While they were once wise and dignified, now they are wretched and always hunting for the living. I even created a sorta nursery rhyme for them, though I'm kinda embarrassed about it and it's still being worked on. If only I wasn't such a terrible writer :roll: The four more important lines:

Beware the Undines, who will drink the blood from your veins,
Beware the Gnomes, who will tear the flesh from your bones,
Beware the Faeries, who will steal the breath from your lungs,
Beware the Salamanders, who will drain the warmth from your heart...

the Undines here are the water elementals. They are always, always thirsty, so they live by ocean shores and in lakes, but nothing quenches their neverending thirst so much as the blood of living beings. Humans and witches especially are their favorites, though witches are much harder to catch :) They appear to be really lethargic and don't move around too much, but when prey is near, they strike like a snake.

man I'm writing a lot. Sorry to bore ya ^^; but I do hope you dig. Done in Open Canvas 1.1 and Painter IX
Image size
688x1100px 417.96 KB
© 2006 - 2024 Lizzy-John
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what the hell? these are the weirdest vampires ive ever seen.....but I oddly like it