LizzieBennet's avatar


The hysterical girl!
40 Watchers144 Deviations

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Artist // Traditional Art
  • Italy
  • Deviant for 17 years
  • She / Her
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Super Llama: Llamas are awesome! (36)
Bronze Fragment: If this was the Olympics, you’d have made the podium!
My Bio
Favourite genre of music: hip hop
Favourite cartoon character: Disney (all), Madoka (KOR)

Favourite Visual Artist
Frezzato, Marini, Barbucci, Joshua Middleton
Favourite Movies
Pride&Predjudice(all),The 5°element,HP,Lord of the ring,Gone with the wind,Speed,Matrix,300
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
Anastacia, Koda Kumi, Carmen Consoli
Favourite Writers
Jane Austen, Alessandro Baricco, JK Rowling
Other Interests
Drawing, Reading, Writing...


0 min read
Hello everybody! How are you? I'm really tired, I can hardly keep my eyes open. Maybe because spring is in the air! I'm happy, I love spring, but I have a lot of work and I can't go out. This is very sad...
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I'm alive!!!

0 min read
OMG! After 1 year, I remember to update the journal... Well, I'm sorry, but I really am full of work to do, and I know that my english is so ugly... ^^; Well... now, I want to speak about the famous "Big Damn Table"! When I seen the first time “fanart 100”, I immediately wanted to participate with “my” pairing (Blaise/Neville, of course), and I’m subscribed to LJ for it. Unfortunately I cannot participate in the official ljcommunity, because “claims are currently under an indefinite hiatus”. So, I decided to start drawing by prompt, looking forward to the reopening of the claims.
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This is a very sad day...tomorrow i'll return to work. It is very difficult for me...My time for drawing is very little, and my worktime is too much..SIGH... life is really hard!!!  >:) I don't know what I can say more...:(
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Profile Comments 71

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Hello, I like your pictures. Keep up the good work.:)

Thank you! You are very kind! :heart: :love: :D

Your welcome. Are you having a nice day?:)

"Unfortunatly" I have a full time job and today is monday, sooooo... ^^; well, I would like to have more time for my art. ;) I hope you had a nice day!

Ancora un saluto, così, giusto per vedere se stai bene e se la tua vita incasinata ti da tregua :)
Ciao cara! Scusami per il ritardo con cui ti rispondo, ma ho visto il tuo messaggio solo adesso... non frequento molto questi lidi di quEsti tempi. :XD:
Qui tutto ok... lavoro come una bestia e non dormo un ca..o, ma si tira avanti. Almeno c'è il sole, il che, per una metereopatica come me, non è poco...
Ovviamente scrivo anche, nonostante il poco tempo. Voglio farti sapere che ho messo mano sul finale, quindi - lo dico piano piano piano - conto di riuscire a finirla in tempi umani (... che vergogna, è passato UN ANNO! :()
E tu? Tutto ok, spero!!!
Un bacione!
Si, qui tutto ok, e come vedi anche se passa un anno non demordo, son sempre qui che controllo se aggiorni storie o disegni ^^
Sono felice di sapere che hai messo mano al finale, ma molto di più di sentire che nonostante le avversità si va sempre avanti; diciamocelo, le storie son belle, bellissime, ma devono inevitabilmente fare i conti con la vita reale, e una scrittrice esausta non scrive storie appaganti ;)
Spero di leggerti a breve, in ogni caso ti mando un bacione augurale.