High-Res Cloud Pack 01Lizzie-Bitty on DeviantArthttp://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/https://www.deviantart.com/lizzie-bitty/art/High-Res-Cloud-Pack-01-308041738Lizzie-Bitty

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High-Res Cloud Pack 01



:bulletpurple::bulletblue::bulletgreen::bulletyellow::bulletorange::bulletred: PLEASE SEE MY STOCK RULES :bulletred::bulletorange::bulletyellow::bulletgreen::bulletblue::bulletpurple:

If you download it, :+fav: it!

This is a pack of high-resolution photos of clouds. In case you couldn't guess. They were taken out the window of the car on the way to St. Augustine. It was going to rain, so there were lovely cumulus and cumulonimbus clouds everywhere. Most of these clouds were low on the horizon, so keep that in mind when you use them.

Each photo is a compressed PNG, so it loses no detail with saves, unlike JPEGs. They're 300dpi and most of them are 16 inches on the longest side, except for the panoramas, which are up to 46 inches long, I think. So if you for any reason have issues with them being too small, you need to cool it with your enormous canvas sizes. Seriously.

:bulletgreen: For the rest of the High-Res Cloud photos not included in this pack, go to my other High-Res Cloud packs. They ARE different from each other, even though they have the same preview image.

High-Res Cloud Pack 02
High-Res Cloud Pack 03
High-Res Cloud Pack 04
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