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Team Smokin' Gold App



So I figure I'll cave into temptation and finally fill out an app for :iconpmd-explorers: !
I've spent hours trying to build my team, and I've finally got it! Well, one of the two members anyway: Zeek the Cyndaquil, a shiny who's found his calling in the merchant guild! The other is a pokemon Zeek will meet during side mission 4 so wait and see ;)

EDIT: Meet Beek the tauros! They're long-lost buds, now reunited into the Smokin' Gold Team!

EDIT: Turned Zeek's accessory voucher in to get a (fire-proof, I hope) cloudy cloak! And I'm too lazy to change his pic at the moment :XD:
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Millie931's avatar
Thanks for the fave!