Liuanta's avatar


Fractal addict
476 Watchers625 Deviations

Deviation Spotlight

Deviation Spotlight

Deviation Spotlight

Deviation Spotlight

Artist // Hobbyist // Digital Art
  • May 30, 1976
  • United Kingdom
  • Deviant for 16 years
  • She / Her
Super Albino Llama: Llamas are awesome! (384)
Half-Moon Cake: Half-Werewolves love it (3)
birthdAy '10: decade of deviousness
Quartz: It's a big honor to be awarded a Quartz badge! (1)
Bronze Fragment: If this was the Olympics, you’d have made the podium!
My Bio

Current Residence: UK
Favourite genre of music: wide range from classic to hip hop
Favourite photographer: John Shaw, James Stachecki
Favourite style of art: Fractal art and photography
Operating System: Vista
Wallpaper of choice: My own pics
Skin of choice: My own :) (Smile)
Favourite cartoon character: Mad Jack the Pirate

Favourite Visual Artist
Dorian Cleavenger, Salvador Dali
Favourite Movies
The Fast and The Furious series
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
Favourite Writers
Dan Simmons, Tad Williams, Michael Crichton, Raphael Sabatini, Brandon Sanderson
Favourite Games
Anno series, Mass Effect 1-3, Crysis series, Skyrim
Favourite Gaming Platform
Tools of the Trade
Wacom, PS CS3, UF5, Apo, Pentax K10D+3 different lenses
Other Interests
Fractal Art, Sci-Fi, Fantasy, Photography

more news

0 min read
Hi Guys! My internet disappeared for a few weeks. Now we are trying out Sky, but tell you what: it was supposed to be on from Monday but got connection only this morning. Once the trial period runs out, we are switching to another one, maybe Virgin.. Anyway, meanwhile I met someone. I'm in love...  This time the man is the total opposite of my type, someone I would never go for if I was much younger. It is so stereotypical of me,  but I always went for the bad boys. That's probably why it never worked for me.. haha.. This one is so much different: very well brought up, decent, polite, with good manners, sincere, honest and quite shy - a tr...
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0 min read
Hi guys! If someone was wondering - I'm still alive. I've been gone for a long time because a lot has happened in my life and i went through a lot of crap since then. Been abused, insulted every way imaginable and kicked out of the house into the street together with my daughter. All thanks to my so-to-say other half and all because some bitch seduced him and he decided to bring her into our house. We were left only with the clothes we were wearing and homeless. Thanks to police we were protected against domestic violence but it almost costed me my job because they insisted on transferring us to a women's shelter. I declined but meanwhile ...
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Hi folks! :wave:Here are the pictures that caught my eye this time. Enjoy! :love::thumb323939036::thumb324247304::thumb326679203: :thumb327549123::thumb325824864::thumb325322715: :thumb326757194::thumb325997635::thumb328038414: :thumb326933828::thumb325126370::thumb323939650: :thumb296753639::thumb328518679::thumb328487468: :thumb328082591::thumb328055477::thumb327889395: :thumb324106153::thumb326419945::thumb327431064: :thumb326573506::thumb326931635::thumb327253623: :thumb328282891::thumb327933784::thumb327689256: :thumb326406148::thumb326445284::thumb323243343: :thumb324134436::thumb323563051::thumb328735986::blowkiss:
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Profile Comments 5.3K

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happy b day 
Happy Birthday!
Happy Birthday 
Another year to congratulate you, to wish you joy and fun in your birthday, you receive the warmth and affection of everyone you love, you have gifts that the best is still life and share it. You give your dreams and illusions. Get fondly many kisses as do years!

CAKE for Birthday by KmyGraphic         Gemini by KmyGraphic       Happy Birthday!! by LOVEMAYU      LUCILALEYLA by KmyGraphic  Meaw by luisbc     HAHA Gif Chat Icon     F2U- Blueiplier Icon Inside Out - Saddness crying  Happy Holidays - FELLA (Messages)     OMFGYES!! Smg4 Diarrhoea  Miku Love [V1]  GIF Star vs. the Forces of Evil -  Eyebrows Wreck-It Ralph - Vanellope icon2 Pitch not agree Adventure N.Fredbear says hi BRUddy Wreck-It Ralph - Vanellope icon3 A Thumbs Up For Thee  GIF Star vs. the Forces of Evil -  Nope Sans And Papy Caramelldansen Plz  Woah, Daffy, calm down...    Mask Running From Cops - Emoticon Requested Duo icon Flowey (with Frisk) Wario Come at Me Bro Emoticon Hyper Snowball Nico Pedro dance emoticon Yachi Big Grin Icon Pan Wink bitch please  Joe Dalton does excercise icon Marill Raving Baby Bushskunk Raving Puffball Britney Spears - Toxic  #69 Free Icon: Ami Mizuno (Sailor Mercury) SMG4 Villanger YEAH Emoticon Wreck-It Ralph - Vanellope icon2Cute Adventure Mangle comment/chat emoticon Snowdrake's Father Icon(ftu)UNDERTALE: Sexy Flowey! Icon :happybounce: Heart Singing FlirtatiousHi!   Sunbutt :squee:
Happy birthday! :D