
England/2p!England x reader : New Year's kiss

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England: He really loved to spend time in his own country, especially around this time of the year. Everybody could see how proud he was of the New Year’s Eve fireworks and the New Year Parade the day after, and watching your usual uptight boyfriend being so cheerful always cracked a smile on your lips. You were currently walking around the busy streets of Westminster in order to get a full view of the Clock Tower and The Eye, to fully enjoy New Year celebrations. “You’ll see, (y/n)! This year the fireworks will be twice as big as last year’s!” said Arthur, smiling at you. You chuckled and took his arm, squeezing him a little “I know, and I wouldn’t expect any less from you”. You stopped right in the middle of Westminster Bridge and looked at the ships crossing the Thames. It was about time, and the tourists and Londoners were all cheering loudly. After another couple minutes, the countdown started. Arthur’s hands squeezed yours while everyone yelled and cheered for New Year’s arrival. When the countdown got down to 5 though, Arthur’s eyes got back at you, and turned around, grabbing your shoulders. He looked strangely embarassed, and you thought something was wrong with him, until…”3!2!1! Happy New Year!!!” people hugged and congratulated eachother while Big Ben chimed in the background, and the fireworks began to explode. But everything you knew was that Arthur was kissing you. It was so strange for him to show you affection around other people that you couldn’t believe what whas happening. But, did you really care? You hugged him, kissing him back without hesitation. The world stopped moving for a moment, until your lips parted. Arthur smiled shily at you “Happy New Year, love

2p!England: ((if you’re from the UK, just pretend you spent Christmas somewhere far away))  You were currently enjoying a nice cup of cinnamon tea, while petting Oliver’s cat. You two decided to stay home and enjoy the New Year’s Eve quietly, not because Oliver didn’t want to go and celebrate, but because he knew how much his pets would have been scared of the fireworks if he wasn’t there to calm them down. It was also because, in all honestly, it was terrible to find an airplane ticket and you arrived just the day before, and were still pretty confused by the jet lag . Oliver prepared a wonderful dinner and, of course, an amazing dessert, so you were feeling drowzier by the minute. Oliver sat down nex to you, turning on the TV and searching through the channels for a good New Year’s breadcast. “Are you excited, poppet?” You looked at him, yawning “O-of course…I just feel a little sleepy, that’s all”. He chuckled, putting his arm around your shoulders “Thank you for putting up with me this year, (y/n). In all honesty… I just didn’t feel like going somewhere, for this New Year’s Eve” he said, looking a little sad. You immediately hugged him, almost spilling the hot tea “Hey! Don’t worry! I don’t mind actually. It’s been a long time since we had the chance to be together, just the two of us”you said, blushing a little. Oliver chuckled, wrapping his arms around you and petting your hair. “I’m glad you said this, poppet. Enjoying some alone time with you is all I wanted, to be honest”. You immediately flared up at this, and tried to hide in his sweater. “Are you shy now?Oh you’re so cute! Let me see your face!” Oliver tried to grab you, but you would just continue to hide your face with everything that came around you -the cat, a pillow, you hands, his hands- until you heard the countdown “5…4…3!! 2!! 1!!”. All of a sudden, you grabbed Oliver’s face and kissed him, taking him by surprise. After the sudden shock, he melted between your hands and kissed you back, grabbing you by the shoulders. When you parted, he was blushing like mad and had the silliest grin you ever saw. “So… Happy new Year, I guess?” you said, while Oliver nodded and just shoved you down on the couch, kissing you again, and again… 

((I just started an imagine blog, askbox is open :3 just search on tumblr for "rabbitshetaliaimagines" I hope to see you soon!))

I just opened an imagine blog! I'm still waiting for asks, so if you have some please put them in my askbox ok? 
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LPSKoalaful's avatar
Awww so adorable