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+ don't forget to eat!! +



f2u as always!!                                                                                                                                                                                             
and links to help make snacks/meals/drinks and tips. 

+ 3 meals a day goes a long way +
{Brownie in a mug}
{Vegan Recipes}(even if you are not vegan i would check this out)
{PMS/SOS smoothie}
{Make your own fruit roll ups}
{Panera's mac and cheese}(can be done in 20 mins!)
{Healthy Recipes}(click on a name to see it)
{Mug recipes}(links are under pictures)
{Easy and healthy recipes}
{30 mins or less recipes}
{Pie anyone?}(click on name to see recipes)
{Grilled cheese recipes}(recipes are linked after each description) 
{Cheap budget recipes}
{10 budget recipes}(click on the name of the food and it links to recipe and budget)
{Doll up your ramen}(this is a blog so you may have to search around for one you like)
{Starbucks cha ching}(get your instagram cameras ready)

{Donate rice by answering questions}(you can pick a subject to be quizzed on) 
{Super foods}
{Anti-aging food}
{Food replacement}(Very helpful!) 
{Don't have a ingredient?}(must click guys!!very helpful) 
{Study snacks}(studying hard doesn't mean skipping meals)

All links were found by tumblr and on my own. 

+ stay strong! + by LittleRyuu + you are important! + by LittleRyuu

if you would like to request more of these or have questions on these please do ask! 
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MrArt26021986's avatar

Heh heh, it says don't forget to eat, and when possible, I eat a lot! I mean it.

Good stamp of course.