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The Bull's now a Boat



The United States Independent Navy was founded in 1982, as a result of America's government and military system being broken down past the point of being able to successfully prevent a secession from the Ferramactas. One of the Ferramactas, the Leahy-class guided missile cruiser USS Halsey (CG-23) (…) was elected as the executive chief of Coordination and Logistics, much to her disapproval. Rumored to contain the very soul, memories and outdated inclinations of the old bull himself, Admiral William Frederick Halsey Jr, CG-23 has coordinated USIN with an iron fist and haphazard mentality. Goodness knows how long USIN might hold together with the other Ferramactas straining at the chains like the dogs of war they were built to be.

NAVIS GLORIA Designs of missile cruiser Halsey, Battleship Illinois, Aircraft Carrier Nimitz  and submarine Los Angeles (Was Alaska, but now is Los Angeles) belong to me. 
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