Erin - Calendar previewlithiumpicnic on DeviantArt

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Erin - Calendar preview



model: erin
hair and makeup: apnea

(This is an unusually large full sized image for me, I felt the detail needed to be seen to be appreciated. Do not use this image for stock or ANY other use without permission from me. And please do not ask to use or license it for free.)

Erin used to be a suicidegirl. Now she is not. I used to take pictures for SG. Now I do not. Elvis has left the building. That's about all I can say about that.

So I'm thinking of doing a 2008 calendar to help raise some money for the legal bills from SG's $100,000 lawsuit against me. This is one of the potential images. I don't have a lot of landscape images so I'm editing a lot of new work for it.

It probably won't be available til mid January. A lot of people have told me they think it's a terrible idea and that I should have started this in October. They're probably right hah.

So my question is - priced at $20 would you buy a 2008 calendar in January or even February if it was collectible and you liked the images and the artist's work?

for updates and info on the lawsuit visit [link]
Image size
1200x933px 356.01 KB
© 2007 - 2025 lithiumpicnic
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Hey man- I know this is a little late- but I'd definitely pick up that calendar if you made one for 2011. Some of my fav artwork atm.