
Tiny Tales of Terror Challenge-Rabbit Terror

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Rabbits found deflated.

Around the yard.

Written for the @CRLiterature Tiny Tales of Terror Challenge.

True story. Lately, we've been finding a lot of dead rabbits around our home in the countryside. In most instances the poor critters look like they just laid down, all stretched out, and passed away. The worst ones appear deflated.

It is only rabbits. No ground squirrels, birds, or other wildlife (who do not appear to go anywhere near the bodies as well).

If anyone knows what could be happening, we'd be glad for some help with this mystery.

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PipsqueakUnbound's avatar

It's likely myxomatosis. Australians deliberately spread it in the 1950s to destroy rabbit populations. Myxomatosis is very lethal to rabbits, but cannot infect dogs, cats or humans.