Yellow character trade unionlirale on DeviantArt

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lirale's avatar

Yellow character trade union



- Setting -

Well, recent events concerning °jark touched me deeply. As an artist launching a business, I can't help but to relate to °jark and °matteo who welcomed a business man in their creative project, one man that said he shared their dream and would handle business matters only to stab them in the back at the most unexpected moment; it's something I'd fear would happen to my project someday. I'm not a mindless sheep that jumped in the current of yellowness because 'everyone else did'. I did researches, because truth always finds some ways to make itself shine. The amount of evidences available speaks for itself. Truth always has evidences and logic going for it; if jark really was the liar, it would be easy to prove.
Views expressed here are mine, I do not intend to say this is the absolute truth, but I do think it is. Anti-jark-movement people that want to lose their time flaming me won't be answred. Others that might want to see the pieces of this big messy puzzle I gathered along the days are welcomed.

- The drawing itself -

Well, a lot of awesome Jark devoted pic are available on various people's galleries. Some are political, some are cute, some are touching... I didn't want to do a subject that would have been already well served in it's share of awesome pictures. Thinking, I said to myself : ''What if yellow characters banded together when a fellow one was in need?''

Immediatly, the vision of cute yellow characters armed with a green saber-laser-like probes made me laugh to tears. I giggled hysterically for all the time I was trying to remind myself of yellow characters. Some were left out (Pooh and Wario), others that might exist just never wanted to come to my mind ^^; Yoshi's my personnal favorite :XD: When I see him like this, I hear the cute disgusted sound he makes when he eats something bad and pulls his tongue to show his disgust! :giggle:
Characters shown (left to right) : Simba, Kirby (from the new GBA game, Amazing mirrors, I dit not make up a yellow Kirby! :p), Pluto, Woodstock (gneheheheh :XD:), Jark the Yellow Alien, Pikachu, Yoshi, Pac-man, Gema (Gotta love Digi Charat^^).

This is for you, Scott, for you and your family, especially your dear son. I hope you'll see this picture someday and that it'll bring a smile on your face, even the faintest one. If you laughed, then I'll consider I met my goal and helped as much as I could in these dark days.

And for everyone else, I hope this little bit of humour made your day! (well, at least a little, nee~?)
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768x549px 236.23 KB
© 2005 - 2025 lirale
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