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TBS: Castor : North : Adviser





eyebrow game too strong

woo finally figured out a name


Third character, primary-- 100 gemstones
Remaining--236 gemstones


General Information


Name: Castor

Nicknames: Cas, Cassi (His siblings used this nickname to taunt him)

Gender: Male

Age: 2 Years

Orientation: Bisexual

Companion: None


Region Information


Region: North

Rank: Kit l Warrior Rookie l Searcher Rookie l Searcher Advisor

Guide(s): Eli NPC

Rookie(s): Cohen???


Element Information


Element: Earth

Amount of Ability Stones: Six

Which Spells:

Crystallization || Earth || 1/5 || Description - Allows the user to transform a small, normal pebble into a stunningly beautiful gem with a single touch. This is mostly a showoff move that can create gifts or items for accessories. This has no usage in battle.


Rock Blockade || Earth || 2/5 || Description - Allows the user to make the ground around them to come out of the ground, blocking an attack like a shield.


Miner || Earth || 2/5 || Description - Allows the user to dig deep and fast underground. Most earth elementals who are searchers have this ability for it is useful in the finding of ability stones, gems, and other things one might find underground. It is allows frequently used as a counter against Sink Hole in battle to lighten the blow.


Fossil Dig || Earth || 3/5 || Description - Allows the user to raise bones and trace prints from the ground without having to dig for them. Many crafters find this useful to find cool bones for an accessory. It can even be used by searchers to help find the shards.


Cliff Maker || Earth || 4/5 || Description - This spell allows the user to lift parts of earth and rock up into the air to create cliffs or high ground. This requires a decent amount of concentration and can be useful if a river looks like it’s going to overflow.


Earth Shake || Earth || 5/5 || Description - Causes the ground to shake, making rocks, trees, etc. to fall on the user's opponent. The user can create a tremor to split the ground to either frighten, confuse, or distract an enemy into thinking a real earthquake is happening. However, this can severely weaken a cat afterwards, maybe leading to unconsciousness.



Physical Appearance

Fur Pattern: This tom has a caramel colored coat with brown tabby markings mainly along his back, with some darker splotches of color here a there.

Fur Length: Cas has “normal” length fur, it isn’t too short but it isn’t too fluffy.

Fur Texture: Considering he is a searcher and spends most of his time digging in the ground, his fur gets dusty a lot and it has a bit of a rough texture to it.

Eye Color: He has sort of aqua colored eyes.

Height: Cas is a tad bit taller than the average male cat.

Weight: This tom has a love of food, plus he has spent a lot of time building up his muscles (mainly in his legs) so he weighs quite a bit.

Ears: His ears are average sized, although he does have a tear in one of his ears.

Tail: Surprisingly Cas’ tail is really short, but it is pretty fluffly.





Strength: 7/10

Speed: 4/10

Attack: 5/10

Tactics: 2/10

Stamina: 3/10

Defense: 4/10



[:bulletred:Flirtatious] [:bulletred:Self Conscious] [:bulletyellow:Ambitious] [:bulletgreen:Social] [:bulletgreen:Gentle/Tender] :new:[:bulletred:Paranoid]:new:

Flirtatious: Cas can’t seem to contain his romantic urges, he will flirt with almost anyone he meets, it is an extremely bad habit that he has. Even though he comes off as a cat that just wants a quick fling, he really wants a long lasting relationship; he just goes about it the completely wrong way. Usually all the time when he acts this way towards a cat, whether it be male or female, he is shot down by the other feline because to them he just seems like an annoying little prick.

Self-Conscious: Even though he seems like a cat who worries about nothing, Castor can get really self-conscious. He didn’t form this trait until after his accident where he lost his one back leg, he began to feel like no one would really want to hang around him anymore because of the missing limb. He doesn’t like to bring up how he lost his leg, hell he doesn’t like to mention it at all. He feels a bit like an outcast because he is a little different from everyone else.

Ambitious: When he gets the opportunity to show everyone that he can be a great cat, he goes for it and goes above and beyond. He tries to please everyone so maybe he could gain a little more respect, the only thing bad about this trait of his, is that he will do almost anything to achieve greatness. He can get ambitious to the point where he sometimes tries to set other cats up for failure if it means he can get what he wants quicker.

Social: Cas is a pretty out-going and talkative cat, he hates being alone because he wants to feel relevant to everyone. If he sees someone he will just strike up a random conversation. He also feels like every cat deserves someone to talk to or a friend, since he kind of feels like an outcast he thinks that no one else should have to feel that way either.

Gentle/Tender: If Cas could quite trying to hit on everyone, he might get a shot at having a long lasting relationship. He was once in a relationship and he was always gentle and he loved deeply. If he had kits, he would vow to always stay in their lives. Also in his previous relationship he tried to spend as much time as he could with them, and they could always be found cuddling somewhere. Even though he doesn’t have kits, he likes to spend time at the nursery. He always makes sure that he isn’t too rough with them.

 Paranoid: Can he trust anyone anymore?! His kits were stolen from him! His own rookie turned out to be a spy... He feels like his head is going to explode, he can't trust anyone anymore. What if there are more spies in the region? What if the followers attack them?


Brief History

Before Birth:

                One day in the North Region there were badgers that were becoming very hostile.  Young she-cat by the name of Valerie was among some of the cats that were trying to drive them away. Before she knew it she was about to be killed by one of the badgers, but luckily a brave tom jumped in to save her. After the battle was over Valerie started to form some feelings towards this tome by the name of Hetor. Valerie was young and she just went straight into a relationship with Hector without a second thought. Other cats told her not to fall for Hector for he was apparently known for dating any sort of cat he could. Valerie told the others that he had changed, and they were deeply in love. After a while Valerie found out she was pregnant with his kits, at the exact moment he found out he left her for another cat. Valerie was horrified, she had been left all alone to care for these kits. She had also lost respect from some of the other cats in the region, saying that she was stupid to fall for him. Not too soon later she gave birth to four healthy kits.


                Castor was born into a litter of four, three sisters and himself. His kithood was a bit tough, his sisters would tease him all the time with the name Cassie, and his mother didn’t really seem to care for him that much. Castor later found out that he looked very similar to Hector, his father. There some occasions were his sisters and him got along really well and had some great memories together, luckily after a while he became very close with his siblings. Valerie on the other hand became very distant from her kits, sometimes she would disappear for a day or two. Whenever she came back she would never tell the kits where she had went and she didn’t talk to them that much. Castor got used to this behavior of his mother, and went along with life like nothing was wrong.


                When he turned six moons it was time that he became a rookie. He was extremely excited when he received his first ability stone, he couldn’t wait to practice his powers. Castor actually started off as a warrior rookie, everything was going extremely well until his accident that changed his life forever. One day he was out with his mentor Eli, they were just on a regular patrol. Although things started to feel off, Eli had recognized the scent of a badger. He told Cas to go back to camp, but Cas insisted that he stay. Eli agreed and they started to track where the badger was. After a little while they came upon the badger, Cas was terrified at its large size. Eli ran up to it and hit it with a hard blow to its side. Cas thought that if Eli had attacked then he should as well. As he tried to hit the large animal it grabbed a hold of one of his back legs. Castor was flooded with pain, he wore he could has heard his bones snapping in between the badger’s teeth. Eli tried to free Cas by trying to pull him away from the badger, Cas was on the verge of passing out he thought he was goner. Luckily the badger released its grip as it became distracted with his mentor. Cas remembered turning his head to look at his leg, and seeing it torn up and mutilated. There was a giant gash on the upper part of his leg, and he knew that the bones in his legs were ruined. Before things could have gotten any worse, the badger came back up to him and left two scars on his belly. That was when he passed out from the pain. Eli, who was also badly wounded, dragged him back to camp. The healer tended to Cas’ belly wound first, it began to get a bit better, but his leg couldn’t be fixed. The healer suggested that he get it amputated seeing as it wouldn’t be good to just be dragging a broken leg around all the time. Cas couldn’t really remember what happened after that, but he was told that they had used some sort of elemental power the remove his leg, he didn’t know which one though. He spent a long time resting and waiting for his wounds to heal, the cuts on his belly healed surprisingly fast, but it was his leg that took the longest. There were some points in his healing process where he had some infections and sicknesses from his leg.

                After many moons, Cas’ leg was healed enough that he could go back to doing work. Although he couldn’t become a warrior anymore for they didn’t want his leg to get wounded again. Some cats suggested that he become a crafter, but Cas hated the idea of being a crafter. He was then told if he waited a little while longer he could become a searcher rookie. Cas didn’t like the idea at first, but he agreed. He spent the rest of his rookieship training to be a searcher, he found out that he actually really enjoyed being a searcher. It was during this time where he started to form is unique personality. When he turned 14 moons old he was deemed as being a full searcher.


                When he became a full searcher he was given some of the more “easier” tasks, which upset him a bit. He decided to work on making the muscles in his legs stronger, it took a while but he managed to become stronger. It was also during this time that he fell in love with a handsome tom named Abe. They spent all their time together, and Cas felt like it was the happiest he had ever been in his life. They were together until Cas turned 19 moons old, when that time came he found out that Abe had left the region in search of a different life. Cas was devastated, but he managed to quickly pull himself back together. He had more important things to focus on…


More will be added as the roleplay goes along…  



Bullet; Red Dislike 
Bullet; RedBullet; Red Hate
Bullet; Black Discomfort
Bullet; BlackBullet; Black Fear
Bullet; Orange Lust|
Bullet; Yellow Uncertain
Bullet; YellowBullet; Yellow Mixed Emotions
Bullet; Blue Acquaintance
Bullet; BlueBullet; Blue Friend
Bullet; Green Good Friend
Bullet; GreenBullet; Green Best Friend
Bullet; Purple Family
Bullet; PurpleBullet; Purple Just like Family
Bullet; Pink Romantic Attraction/Crush
Bullet; PinkBullet; Pink Love/Mate

North Region

:bulletblue::bulletblue: :bulletgreen::bulletgreen: :bulletpink: :bulletpink::bulletpink: Annora l Crafter l
-    "Annora! I have to say that she is a beautiful she-cat, I feel really lucky to have her as a friend... She doesn't know, but I have a lot of mixed emotions for her right now... There is something about her that makes me a bit weak in the knees. Dear lord, I feel a bit embarrassed now... It would be really awkward if she found out I felt that way about her." 
-    "I finally confronted her about my true feelings for her and I am so glad I did! It turned out that Annora felt the same way, she is just so perfect and beautiful... I love her so much."

:bulletpurple: Java l Kit l
-    "He's my son! I love him! He definitely gets his looks from me, how else could he be so handsome.?"

:bulletpurple: Adalyn l Kit l
-    "My only daughter! She looks a lot like me, but she definitely has her mother's personality." 

:bulletpurple: Tobias l Kit l
-    "Another one of my lovely kits! He kind of reminds me of myself when i was a kit..."

:bulletblue: :bulletgreen: :bulletyellow::bulletyellow: :bulletblack: Iorek l Leader l
-    "He's my superior and I respect him... He comes off a bit cold, but he isn't that bad of a guy honestly. I am extremely honored he chose me as his Adviser!"
-    "I'm feel like I'm starting to doubt him... He's my leader, but it seems he has some sort of past with that one follower that showed up at the gathering... I hope this doesn't impact our region too much."
-    "Why did i have a feeling this would happen? Our kits were taken from us... I feel like we were targeted on purpose because of Iorek... It's not his fault, but part of my wants to blame him for this happening... Oh Andromeda what am I saying...? This isn't me..."

:bulletred::bulletred: Cohen l Rookie
-    "That traitor! I can't believe that little rat was under my nose this whole time! I will never forgive him for what he has done! I feel like next time I seem him I might kill him..."

East Region

South Region

West Region


:bulletred::bulletred: :bulletblack::bulletblack: Kaa l Captain
-    "He was the one! I am pretty sure he was the one who took the kits! He has to be! What kind of monster would steal innocent kits?!"



RolePlay Sample

From The Frozen Lands

    Heatherpaw gazed around the frozen landscape, her eyes sparkled with fascination as she looked around at everything. She was on a hunting trip with her mentor, her sister, and her sister’s mentor. She hopped around in the snow while she looked for prey, she dug little hole in the snow with her paws to see if any prey was burrowed underneath the white blanket of snow. Heatherpaw twitched her nose as a snowflake landed on it she then looked around her and she realized it was beginning to snow. She looked around and she spotted her mentor in the distance she bounded over to him and she looked up at the sky and she noticed how it was beginning to snow heavier by the minute. They were quite far away from camp and she hoped that they would get back before it begun to snow heavier. Heatherpaw’s mentor signaled that they should head back to camp right away, she nodded her head and she started to head back with him. As it started to snow heavier Heatherpaw had to narrow her eyes so she could see without getting snow in them. A shiver went down her spine as a cold blast of wind hit her square in the face. She looked at her mentor as if expecting him to do something, he was looking at some rocks.

                “Quick over to those rocks, be may be able to find shelter in them.” He spoke in a firm voice as he trudged through the snow to get over to them. Heatherpaw nodded and she followed him towards the rocks, she then spotted her sister and her mentor heading in the same direction. Heatherpaw’s eyes saddened slightly as she noticed how cold her sister looked. Soon they all reached the rocks and they huddled together to stay warm, they all didn’t even notice that Breezepaw wasn’t with them.

                Once the snow started to cease, they exited their small shelter and they looked around them. Heatherpaw’s eyes widened when she noticed Breezepaw was nowhere to be seen. “Breezepaw?” Her breathe quickened when she heard no answer, “Breezepaw?!” Heatherpaw frantically looked around the area, the mentors were searching as well.

“I swear she was right behind me when we were walking towards the rocks…” Breezepaw’s mentor said quietly. Heatherpaw then noticed a small lump in the snow and she ran over to it, and she started to dig into it. Her eyes widened in horror when she saw the frozen body of her sister. 





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Toxicglare's avatar
i love his new pose! ;u;