Epilogue IILiquidFaeStudios on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/liquidfaestudios/art/Epilogue-II-883821338LiquidFaeStudios

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July 11, 2021
Epilogue II by LiquidFaeStudios
Featured by Astralseed
LiquidFaeStudios's avatar

Epilogue II


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Watercolor on Arches Cold Press  10x13"

Available in prints and more on my Etsy Shop! www.etsy.com/shop/liquidfaestu…

This painting, just as its sister painting, is my attempt at painting a portrait of life through using death as a primary subject. The skull is a domestic cat, so for most people I imagine this would be sad. But its the other elements that give the painting its deeper meaning - the foxglove (a toxic plant) is alive, the mushrooms which feed on decay are alive, and the mouse that now has nothing to fear is also alive. In the top left the moth pictured is a Deaths head moth, which while harmless (just don't tell my tomatoes I've said that) has a lot of superstition about its being a symbol of coming death. That's why I decided on the title "Epilogue" - because its the part of the story that continues on after the end.
Image size
600x748px 447.62 KB
© 2021 - 2025 LiquidFaeStudios
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eviemartiste's avatar

This is gorgeous!