have you know more time it changes so many ideas
This are my first two ideas
my friend
create a fiction
harry-botter.deviantart.com/ar… Its about Humans start a war against a Anthro Wolf Aliens ,called Lupains.
Human army lost , they captured lupains ,brainwash them , teach them to fight against lupains. The best of this Programm is Akira he fight against Lupains like here
harry-botter.deviantart.com/ar… He is here to
harry-botter.deviantart.com/ar… would be amazing if can find time and interest on this story. (sry for bad english)
I create based on shanes fiction a own fiction about Lupains and Akira
The Lupains have attacked Earth to conquer it. The human soldiers were inferior to the Lupains. The Lupains killed and ate most people.
Who survived the attack, live as slaves.Th half earth is destroyed.
The Lupains are brutal monster!
Human create Akira (Half Lupain , half human) to fight against this monster , he is smaller and faster then Lupains.
harry-botter.deviantart.com/ar…If you dont like this two idea here is my Request list with other ideas
harry-botter.deviantart.com/jo…Would be so epic when you can take a slot^^