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LionMushrooms's avatar

Mystic harvest - Smash the remains



Last entry for Mystic Harvest event prompt at the chimereon group
(unfortunately, like the last one, a bit rushed as i do not have too much time on my hands atm ;; )



Art © LionMushrooms 
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5008x3000px 12.63 MB
© 2020 - 2024 LionMushrooms
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Urocyongrey's avatar

Juniper: "Whew! Thought you could rest after all that work, didja? Sometimes having fun and enjoying the festival is its own kind of work! Still, you look like you’re having a great time out there. Keep it up, don’t let me slow you down! Oh, but real quick, take these party favors. Consider it a thank you for being such a great helper."

For your efforts, you received 10 Beetoles and 5 Dirt Pearls! These will be added to their respective records in the Treasury when the event ends. Finally, you earn 1 Raffle Ticket, which will be automatically entered into the Raffle! The Raffle will be drawn at the end of the event in December.

Juniper: "It seems even Oz is feeling good about how the festival turned out! Maybe he’s not a total sourpuss after all. He’s agreed to let you give his wheel a spin! Let's see what the ticker lands on..."

- You won 3 Beetoles! These will be added to the treasury when the event ends.