The City of Atlantis - Capital of the LeagueLionel23 on DeviantArt

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The City of Atlantis - Capital of the League



Illustration done by :iconjcbarquet: *jcbarquet. This drawing is of the massive floating metropolis and capital of the League of Atlantis.

Located midway between the major continents of Keros (where much of the story takes place) and Traebe, the League of Atlantis is a confederation of multiple, tiny island city-states. During the ancient days of yore, explorers from the various island nations discovered this massive 'island city' that is now known as Atlantis. While its construction is not fully understood even by today's standards, it is believed that an ancient group of people must have had the technological prowess to construct an amazing feat of engineering in the middle of the ocean. For reasons unknown, the city was abandoned until its rediscovery by the various island nations of the League.

Atlantis itself is a super metropolis, and almost the entire population of the League is housed here (due to the relatively small size of their native home islands). Because of that, Atlantis was proclaimed the central seat of power for the League.

The city is held stable in its fixed location by 'anchor support pillars' that stretch all the way down to the ocean floor. The pillars are lined with tube elevators that can service the many areas of the anchor supports as well as provide access to the undersea living and mining quarters (not depicted in the picture). The city island is divided into three primary 'levels', each with their own important districts.

The underwater level is composed of two distinct areas: the ocean floor level and open ocean level. The floor levels at the base of the anchor support pillars provide access to the seafloor for algae and food harvesting, while the pillars themselves are situated on massive oceanic thermal vents to provide heat to the upper levels. Many segments of the pillars have open notches to allow the marine current power plants to supply much of the city's needs. Also, mining for ores and materials is done safely on the ocean floor.

In the 'open ocean' level of the city, underwater support rings run the gamut of the city's perimeter, with residents and various shops and warehouses make as their home. Homes are small, self-contained living units that are attached to the support ring, and in many instances for those who wish to 'upgrade' their homes, it is a matter of getting the Atlantis Sea Authority to remove the home and attach a larger home 'module' to the support ring. The open floor area is considered safe and most middle-class citizens make their homes here.

On the surface level, Atlantis is again sectioned off into the following areas: the Outer Ring, the Inner Ring, and the Pillar.

The Outer Ring serves as the major shipyards, work docks, and seaplane fields. Much of the production capacity of Atlantis is based there to keep any pollution or noise away from the city's inhabitants. All manner of ships (both naval and airship) moor themselves here and are serviced by the many companies that call Atlantis their home. Also, the Atlantis 'seaplane' areas are housed here. Being there are plenty of ocean but limited space, most of the League's air force relies on seaplanes such as the Martin JRM Mars and PBY Catalina. Small 'airstrip' has been converted from particular long piers, and it is from these that the only league non-seaplane fighter is launched from: the Brewster Buffalo (preferred due to its small size).

The Inner Ring houses the 'downtown' economic centers as well as many of the rich and elite (who live in the various skyscrapers along with many corporations' HQs). It is from the Inner Ring that access to the undersea areas is possible. As one can note, there are also surface level 'domes' that have been constructed to tend to various hydroponics fields or act as safe havens for smaller boats and crafts during nasty storms. Also, the city's 'seaways' have been deliberately designed to allow ease of movement throughout the city for boats and crafts, and it is not unusual to see 'junk boat' type merchants plying the various city districts or the 'poor' who live on floating houseboats make their way around the city.

Lastly, the Pillar or Central Pillar (and its immediate surrounding base) serves as the primary governmental sector of Atlantis. The lower portions serve as the main armory and assembly and training area for the military and police of the League, who are the furthest 'in' from the docks of the city, thus serving as the last line of defense against would-be invaders. They also protect the only accessible lifts to the Upper Pillar, in which sits the League council who governs both the city and the entirety of the League. The upper pillar houses important diplomats, embassies, and governmental offices and departments. Much of the 'saucer' section of the pillar is lined with an impressive amount of automated AA defenses and torpedo launchers (much of Atlantean AA controls are operated remotely rather that actual crew-manning) to deter would-be aerial assaults, thus forcing attackers and occupiers into a costly battle for the lower portions of the city center to claim the elevators to bypass the defenses.

Of other interesting note, a squadron of the famed JRM Mars seaplane bomber can be seen flying in the skies on their usual patrol, while some of the many naval fleets of the League patrol the city waters in an impressive show of force (and rivaling the firepower and armor of their airship counterparts).

For a closer look at the seaplanes and aircraft (as well as the famed and impressive JRM Mars) of the League of Atlantis, follow this link: [link]
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© 2012 - 2025 Lionel23
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Hello I work in a small company that we have created in texas right now. Were going to launch our tcg in late october with the first wave that is 2 starter decks 1 booster box with displays banners mats etc etc. Were going to have our playable mobile app to play the card game have internet announcements with our cinematic crew with after effects etc etc and to start a first episode of an anime with the launch of the card game and we saw your art and would like to know if your willing to let us use the art of yours For our card game and we will give you credit for it in our webpage also a link where people will see. your art and follow you and your artist name on the box of each booster set and pack..Let me know here is a link of our web page as well: