San-San Saruk LizardmanLionel23 on DeviantArt

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San-San Saruk Lizardman



Commission done courtesy of :iconshimmering-sword:*Shimmering-Sword. This one is different from my other commissions by him as he was experimenting with a speed-painting style drawing over his usual sketch commissions he does for me.

Race: Saruk Lizardman
Nationality: SSSR (San-San Saruk Republic)
Class: Heavy Infantry, Order of the Rose (Elite)
Weapon: FM 24/29 Light Machine Gun

Hailing from the desert nation of the SSSR, the Saruk lizardmen are the primary native of that country. Ruled by a small elite cadre of humans who migrated long ago from the west (the nation is located in the far east of the continent, away from the Republic of Arcadia), Saruk lizardmen are tough and hearty creatures. Capable of sruviving prolonged exposure to their hot and desolate homeland, Saruk lizardmen are considered some of the toughest creatures around, even tougher and stronger than most Arcadians (though they lack any capability of flight). Due to their earth-bound nature and their environment, Saruk lizardmen are excellent endurance runners.

Much of the SSSR is comprised of vast deserts, with the capital situated on the coast to help facilitate trade with other sea-bound nations. There are areas of rocky pockets that make ideal locations for towns and cities in the vast Greater Dune Sea, though there is an area of swirling, marked sand known as the Black Sands. It is here that massive 'dune worms' roam the area and attack anything that moves across its surface. Because of the dangers posed by these natural predators of that region (with some worms leaving to roam the more common Great Dunes), the SSSR makes use of low-flying airships known as Sandships (low-altitude but more heavily armored and gunned than traditional airships) to patrol and travel their territory.

Of final note, the SSSR's highest and most elite organization in their military are known as the Order of the Rose. The rose has always come to symbolize the flower brought by the Royal family from days long past and which can only be found and grown in select locations in the country and capital itself. This particular soldier is a member of the Order, as he displays the heraldry proudly on his shoulder tag.
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1907x2529px 1.5 MB
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MetalBrony823's avatar

That gun is underrated. I mean, the French used it from 1925 to 1979 in their army.