You Guys Got Any Milk?linus108Nicole on DeviantArt

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You Guys Got Any Milk?



Can someone plz get the man some milk to go with his Dharma cereal? LOLZ XD

One of the best scenes from LOST with one of the best characters. Henry Gale aka Ben :D I had a hard time with this one. I think it's because of his expression. haha I've never drawn someone with that look before. LOL

Made with 3H, HB, 2B, 3B, and 6B pencils. Took about 20 hours.

EDIT: scene on youtube LOL ---> [link]

Just thought I'd post the scene cause it's so darn good. ;)

" HENRY GALE: Cereal? Wow, where'd you guys get cereal?

LOCKE: It was down here all along. The pantry's full of food.

HENRY GALE: How old is it? [Jack and Locke don't respond] You guys don't know much, huh? I mean, I'd be asking all kinds of questions about all this stuff down here. You guys don't even seem that curious.

JACK: Do you want the cereal or don't you?

HENRY GALE: This must be my reward for good behavior, huh? I guess I earned myself some good will for finally drawing that map for Ana.

LOCKE: What map?

HENRY GALE: To my balloon.

JACK [to Locke]: Did you...


HENRY GALE: Wow, you guys have some real trust issues, don't you? Guess it makes sense she didn't tell you. I mean, with the two of you fighting all the time. Of course, if I was one of them -- these people that you seem to think are your enemies -- what would I do? Well, there'd be no balloon, so I'd draw a map to a real secluded place like a cave or some underbrush -- good place for a trap -- an ambush. And when your friends got there a bunch of my people would be waiting for them. Then they'd use them to trade for me. I guess it's a good thing I'm not one of them, huh? YOU GUYS GOT ANY MILK? "

XD Love it.
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© 2008 - 2025 linus108Nicole
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Shiniima's avatar
i remember that scene so well ^^
ben's expressions are very funny x3