I am from Sweden or more precisly, living just a bit north of Stockholm. I am history nerd as one will call it, I love history and adore reading about royalhouses in all sorts and have had the prievlige to grow up with a family who in away love royalties, mostly my grandmother. who expose me to royalties as did my childhood with the summer show "Salve", I love castles and palaces and wish to see many countries and there history heirtage. Hope to one day be able to visit some countries. I have the lucky choice to be able to travell much through both scouting and school. I also travelled privately with family and friends. I wish to one day see Austria and Romania as well as Russia for those are three countries that in some way I always liked, my favourit royal family are the Romanovs, the Romanian royal family and the Vasa and Bernadotte dynasti as well as the French royalfamily.
I am an artist that makes both traditional art work and even some digital art. Mostly I do traditional art with regular penciles and digital art is mostly colourings. A hobby that I like to do and even does have lots of experinces since many years in art school and now a days studing to be an art teacher for the grades 1-6.
I have become friends with many dear people on here and even find true love through here, some that are wonderful and such dear and lovely people and I am for truly greatful every single day that it exist such a nice and kind and generious people as many of them I have met here are. For not many people I met in my life has shown kindness and so one and one truly and kind person I have met are , who I do consider my bestfriend, for she are truly one of the kind and most wonderful person that I have met in my life.
Current Residence: Alittle city in Sweden
Favourite genre of music: Classic, rock and pop
Favourite style of art: Photomaipulation, photography and traditional drawing.
Wallpaper of choice: Light shade of purple, light blue, red, light green, white
Sometimes they did that to fill in something that might have faded a bit when it being developed. Sometimes they added colour with pencils to show what might have been the colours, that is sometimes refers to as hand tinted photos.
Haha, thanks very much. Indeed I really like the chair too. But was not sure if I should colour it as golden or as the floral motif on it. But in the end I decided the greenery and floral motif.
Thanks so very much and can imagine he might be looking at the camera or something beyond the camera. One might not know for sure, but it sometimes would be lovely to see the other side of the camera lens.