Current Residence: Orlando, Fl
deviantWEAR sizing preference: However many X's you can fit on a tag. Or just two.
Print preference: Glossah as a newborn jellyjish!
Favourite genre of music:
Favourite photographer: Your Mom
Favourite style of art: Whatever I can produce
Operating System: Windows XP, OSX 10.5.6, Ubuntu 9.04, Windows 7
MP3 player of choice: AmaroK, VLC, iTunes, Songbird, Boxee and a jailbroken iTouch 2.2 for the mobile .mp3s
Shell of choice: Bash
Wallpaper of choice: import random print random.randrange(aardvark, zyzzyva)
Skin of choice: Plastic, Human, Zune theme, oxygen's alright, I guess...
Favourite cartoon character: Peter, David, Link, Nightcrawler, Raz
Personal Quote: If you can't change it, why worry about it?