Link8312's avatar


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5 Watchers13 Deviations
  • France
  • Deviant for 19 years
  • He / Him
Albino Llama: Llamas are awesome! (68)
Bronze Fragment: If this was the Olympics, you’d have made the podium!

Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
Homestuck composers
Favourite Books
Favourite Games
Zelda, Command & Conquer, Dawn Of War
Favourite Gaming Platform
Tools of the Trade
propelling pencil, thin black pen, Micrografx PhotoMagic
Greetings.I'm mostly a lurker here, though I did a bunch of The Legend of Zelda and Command & Conquer fan-art back in the day.Mostly I'm still a Zelda fan, been playing Super Metroid / A Link to the Past Randomizer quite a bit lately.
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0 min read
Nice to meet you, all who read this page.I'm Link8312, essentially a big Zelda and C&C fan. But that would be forgetting the whole bunch of webcomics I'm also a fan of.Any other interest? Well, I lake playing Role-Play games with my friends (as a player or as the GM).--- Clubs I'm in --- :iconzelda-fans-unite: Zelda-Fans-Unite : Seems a bit dead now... :iconhomestuck-fans: Homestuck-Fans
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Profile Comments 31

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I notice I haven't really updated this page in a long time. But at the time of writing, it's still me. I'm not a favebot, but I do see a bunch of them fave my latest deviation.
Thanks for the :+devwatch:!!!
Thanks so much for the fave! :D
thanks for the fave
thanks for the faveroo. :highfive:
Thanks for the fav!
Well, I couldn't resist.