Linelana on DeviantArt

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Linelana's avatar




Time : About 6-8 hours
Tools : Paint tool Sai/photoshop CS3



"Dear God, I was terribly lost,
When the galaxies crossed,
And the Sun went dark.
But dear God, You're the only North Star,
I would follow this far.
I would follow this far through the galaxies " ~

(Owl city - Galaxies [link] )

:bulletblue:Gift for my brother Adrien, in fews days it's his b-day (yes I'm not late for this time 8D) :hug:
He likes stars & galaxies so I try to make it :heart: It's nor perfect I know *v* )

(the ship is in my old old watercolors, haha redraw ;D) I used the advice/tutorial of *megatruh too >v<
~Hope you like :iconadoration-plz:

:star:WallPaper-> Download !
Yes you can use it ;D

Art© *Linelana

~~Fav & comments are most appreciate~~

Image size
5867x3567px 28.15 MB
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wow good work a true artist