Lineith on DeviantArt

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Pig Warlord


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Character  Rose LavillantCharacter  HattremCharacter  LechonkCharacter  SwirlixCharacter  EspurrCharacter  Goodra


Rose/Pigella as a warrior/Warlord and her pokemon team.

Last piece of the year and the first one in a new series: ML x Pokemon Conquest!

Every Pokemon here was picked either because of their pokedex entry or one of their moves in particular, based on the holders interests, hobbies, personality, history, etc. I wanted a team that made sense narratively and aesthetically (for the curious ones her main is Hattrem. I'm very aware of the irony.)

Feel free to share what your picks would have been for her but keep in mind that I'm NOT taking suggestions for the other holders.

I desperately needed something fun to work on and this hit me while watching a friend play the game. I intend to draw all of the kid holders (yes, both bees).

Have a lovely end of the year and see you in 2024!
Happy holidays!

|Any character hate / bashing will get your comment hidden and/or your account blocked right away.|

Miraculous Ladybug © ZAG
Pokemon © Nintendo
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Dst105's avatar

How to thank Rose after a job well done?

Me: That’ll do pig. That’ll do.