Wugu Final 3 -  SitterLindseyWArt on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/lindseywart/art/Wugu-Final-3-Sitter-386165234LindseyWArt

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Wugu Final 3 - Sitter



Hey everyone, I finally finished my Wugu 5 skeletons, 5 muscles, and 5 flesh study project and here is number 3 of the 5. Each day this week there will be a new one to share, so look forward to a new one on Thursday and Friday along with Tuesday's and Monday's Wugu. It's Wugu week!

This one turned out pretty good, even though I struggled with it way more than every other Wugu. This is the position you'll usually see a Wugu in, just sitting there like some fat ass.

Anyways, more to come tomorrow. I hope you all enjoy and thank you all for looking!

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| Photoshop | Wugu and Artwork © to me, Lindsey W. (~TwoDD)|

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1122x1375px 306.36 KB
© 2013 - 2025 LindseyWArt
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Monecule's avatar
oh, shhh..... it's a painting?! i was sure it's a doll!
Looks gorgeous! i love all the dedication you added, it looks soo real...