I am a professional concept artist and illustrator! I love to concept and illustrate creatures, characters, etc., especially dinosaurs and dragons. On the side, I make fanart for Pokemon, Digimon, and whatever else interests me.
I wonder if you are still around...
Happy late birthday! ^^
Happy early birthday!
Any thought about doing The Three Musketeers; BelleStarmon, MagnaKidmon and GunDramon?
Wow, just discovered your account here, it's amazing! I love all the dinosaur art, and while I've never been a Pokemon fan, you make me wish I was! You make unreal things look real!
I'm speechless. Could you ask if you will draw palmon in realistic version?
I am so envious of your talent and skills.
Hit my humble site!
Create to be great! - Professor Anton Veeblefitzer