
9 min read

Deviation Actions

lindowyn-stock's avatar
Here are zee rules!

:D :bulletred:RULES FOR USE OF MY STOCK:bulletred: :D

:bulletblue: If you use any of my stock, it is a requirement that you give credit where credit is due, andlink back to me. If I do find anyone that has used stock here, and has not given proper credit, I will bite hard. Please note me as well, because I really want to see what everyone can do. (even if you think it's bad...believe haven't seen the things I've tried to manipulate) Also, I, like many stockers, spend a lot of time, energy, and inspiration on making the best quality stock I can for you guys to use, it's only right that you put forth this small effort too. I'm also an actual photographer, so be glad you don't have to deal with all that copyright permission stuff. Just follow the rules.

:bulletblue: Stock may not be used for commercial purposes such as book illustrations, websites, or sold products without my written permission. Note me if you would like to, I am quite forgiving as long as you play by the rules. This is a form of art too, and you wouldn't appreciate it if I ganked a picture you drew without permission. This also means you CANNOT USE THEM OUTSIDE OF DA WITHOUT MY EXPRESS WRITTEN PERMISSION.

:bulletblue: Please, respect my models. Not only are they all beautiful people, but they have feelings too, and put a lot of modeling hours in with me. Do not put them in pornographic images.

:bulletblue: If you have questions, or reasonable requests, just note me. I'd love to know what people are looking for, but please keep it reasonable. No "I want to see people jumping off a cliff into a vat of Smucker's Preserves". For those of you that like this idea, well...we have jumping stock, and well...thats what manipulating is for. :D

:bulletblue: Have fun already!


And here is zee news! :D

(am trying for a lighter, happier journal this time, but first...)


1.) :iconlucias-tears: Is doing better, but is still in great need of our support during this season. Remember, I am still offering exclusive stock packs as thank yous for either buying her prints, or donating to her paypal account to make sure she is at least comfy through the winter.

Links to stock packs:…………

Want one? Read the description on the deviation pages to learn how to get one :D

2.) A very talented fractal artist :iconimager1966: is scheduled to show work in VA, but desperately needs some last minute help getting there:… isn't just donations guys, she's made some AWESOME gift certs for her products, and it's worth a look see. :D

3.) I'm still up to my ears in projects! Freee meee! Also, expect a huge jam up of your inboxes at the end of the month. My models and I are having a stock-stravaganza. If you are in the area (Baltimore, MD) around the 29th, and are interested in modeling for me, drop a note. :D

4.) Oh...hehehe this is a little silly but...I'm trying to reach 10,000 page views before New Years. Am almost there! *reeeach* If anyone catches the 10,000th view and mails me a screen cap, we will do a stock pack at your request!! and within reason. :D As in, no nudies please, and don't request stock of someone wearing several hundred gold coins or something....cause if I had that kind of money, I'd have given it to people that need it already... Anyway, if you catch it, note me :D

5.) DON"T FORGET THE STOCKERS Contest! :iconuntodarkness: is waiting for some new entries :D

6.) Tons, and tons of contests out there, but the ones that are shiny like tinfoil at the moment are: :icononnagata-stock: (read journal!), :iconcookiekitty-stock: :iconlongstock: 's Circus Contest. Check them out!! Nooowww. :D Okay, I need to lay OFF the mountain dew. Like whoah.

7.) Oh, and as soon as I get me a sub, (the subscription, not the sandwich) I'll start featuring you guys in my journal. And by you guys, I mean most everyone. :D


I HAVE A STAMP!!! So, if you have a sub, and stalk me like whoah, check it out! :D ------> Lindowyn-Stock Stamp by TheArcher777   :hugs: :heart: to Ryn!

And SOMEONE DEDICATED a BEAUUUTIFUL (and meaningful, I might add) artwork to me!! I :heart: you, :iconmithgariel:
Check it out! :D ------> Bean sidhe at dawn by Mithgariel  :boogie:  

And while I'm on about Mithgariel read, and help:…

Oh! And another reminder. Want a holiday card? :D Note me with your e-mail addy!

Want prints? Check out: :iconthearcher777: :icondrakenborg: :iconidalarsenart: :iconhenss: :iconlindowyn: :iconlucias-tears: :iconmithgariel:   Anyone else want to be added? :D lemme know!  

Other stuff I'm up…

and contests!! EE!…

EEEE! By popular demand, we now have a donation option...first on the list of things to buy is ::insert drumroll here:: A TOP HAT! :dance: YAY! Lots of fun! If you're feeling in the giving spirit, please click the wee button below and give us poor twenty-somethin's a hand! THANK YOU! :glomp:…

P.S. Many thanks to cookiekitty-stock's tutorial for helping me figure out how the hell to make this link work!!!!

P.P.S. Many thanks also to :iconthearcher777: for sitting here with me and cursing at my computer and making funny spitting sounds while we pounded away at the keyboard and made full use of the copy paste option....THANK YOU FOR HELPING ME! I'm COMP-illiterate!!!!
:shamrock: :heart: :boogie:
© 2006 - 2024 lindowyn-stock
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Amazonofexeter's avatar
:coffeemachine:...well i'm awake, why shouldn't you!