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The newcomer looked around anxiously.
"Those orientation guys told me to come here, right?" ...he thought to him self, shuffling his feet..."I didn't get lost, did I...?"
"HEY. You one of the new recruits?"
He spun around to see two other Shinigami. One had a red-hilted sword slung over his shoulder and a bald head that reflected the sunlight. He glared at the new soldier sarcastically, as if he had already disobeyed an order. The other had a delicate appearance, with chin-length dark purple hair and smiled rather kindly.
The new recruit nodded nervously to the bald one.
The purple-haired one spoke up.
"We were on our way to morning practice. You should meet up with the captain and lieutenant, to see what they want you to do." He paused to preen a miniscule piece of dust from one of the yellow feathers adorning his right eyelashes. "If they haven't got an assignment for you, you should come and practice as well."
"Yeah. It'll be fun to see if you're any better than the guys they sent us LAST time." The bald one smirked. "Those idiots didn't last long..."
A quick glint of motion caught the new soldier's attention. Something on the roof of the building on his left moved...but it seemed to be gone now. He shrugged it off as being just his nervous imagination.
The bald man jerked in reaction. "I--WH--!?!"
He couldn't even get a word out before he was tackled and face down on the tile street, a tiny pink-haired girl giggling and sitting on his neck.
"Let's do it again, Baldy!" she chirped, bouncing on his shoulders like she was riding a horse.
"Oh, good morning, Lieutenant." The purple haired one smiled at the girl, before sneering slightly at his comrade and sighing. "You know Ikkaku, after all this time, you really should expect things like that by now." he said, poking the bald man in the shoulder with his foot.
Ikkaku just grumbled without even lifting his head from the ground.
A shadow suddenly covered the new recruit from behind him. He turned to find himself face-to-belt with an enormous battle-scarred man with an eyepatch and incredibly spiked hair. As he fell backwards in shock, he immediately recognized that this man was wearing a captain's robe, despite the shredded sleeves.
The giant simply growled a short "So you're the new guy, huh...?"
He gave a vicious wolf-like grin.
(now if I can just figure out how to do hands and backgrounds, I can begin my scheme for world conquest…>3 *rubs hands together, all evil-like*)
Anyhow, I've been dying (pun semi-intended) for the chance to draw ol' Zaraki.
And guess what?
He was just as much of an ungodly nightmare as I expected. XD I had to redraw his hair 3 times. And I forgot his eyepatch AND his scar at first.
Yumichika was a bit of a pain. (He's hard for me to draw, especially from a profile view). I'm thrilled with how his hair turned out though! ^3^ And I really like how his orange whatchamajig turned out! :3 It was fun to play with that "woven sweater" texture.
I originally had a completely different pose in-mind for him though, sort of a *gasponoes!*-looking one. I ended up keeping a hidden layer with the lineart for his original pose, just for the fun of it.
That little pink spawn.
She didn't even LOOK like Yachiru until I started doing some HEAVY tweaking to her hair, and brightened those blush spots on her cheeks to a status of "almost glowing".
And OH GOD, Ikkaku. XD I just can't not torment that poor man.
*rubs his head apologetically*

I was originally going to have him and Yumi in the back, holding their Zanpakutou over their shoulders and looking all snazzy, and have Yachiru peeking over "Kenny's" shoulder like she usually does. Naturally, I was ready to sketch out the poses when something COMPLETELY CRACK-ish popped into my head. (Remember, this happened with that "Oooh, shiny!" pic before. XD)
You guys know me well enough by now.
"Crack" totally pwns "Snazzy" every time.
Sorry for the hideous, frantic watermarking...It would seem that some glorious little individual on LiveJournal has sniped one of my recent fanarts and taken the liberty of making an icon or two, with no credit to me. Ironically, the fanart WAS watermarked, they just grabbed a portion of the pic where it wasn't showing. O_o
Anyhow, I apologize, guys. Funny how one inconsiderate person can ruin it for everybody, huh?
(And for the record, I'm probably not going to object to someone using my pics for something like icons, as long as they have the consideration to at least ASK ME FIRST.)
"Those orientation guys told me to come here, right?" ...he thought to him self, shuffling his feet..."I didn't get lost, did I...?"
"HEY. You one of the new recruits?"
He spun around to see two other Shinigami. One had a red-hilted sword slung over his shoulder and a bald head that reflected the sunlight. He glared at the new soldier sarcastically, as if he had already disobeyed an order. The other had a delicate appearance, with chin-length dark purple hair and smiled rather kindly.
The new recruit nodded nervously to the bald one.
The purple-haired one spoke up.
"We were on our way to morning practice. You should meet up with the captain and lieutenant, to see what they want you to do." He paused to preen a miniscule piece of dust from one of the yellow feathers adorning his right eyelashes. "If they haven't got an assignment for you, you should come and practice as well."
"Yeah. It'll be fun to see if you're any better than the guys they sent us LAST time." The bald one smirked. "Those idiots didn't last long..."
A quick glint of motion caught the new soldier's attention. Something on the roof of the building on his left moved...but it seemed to be gone now. He shrugged it off as being just his nervous imagination.
The bald man jerked in reaction. "I--WH--!?!"
He couldn't even get a word out before he was tackled and face down on the tile street, a tiny pink-haired girl giggling and sitting on his neck.
"Let's do it again, Baldy!" she chirped, bouncing on his shoulders like she was riding a horse.
"Oh, good morning, Lieutenant." The purple haired one smiled at the girl, before sneering slightly at his comrade and sighing. "You know Ikkaku, after all this time, you really should expect things like that by now." he said, poking the bald man in the shoulder with his foot.
Ikkaku just grumbled without even lifting his head from the ground.
A shadow suddenly covered the new recruit from behind him. He turned to find himself face-to-belt with an enormous battle-scarred man with an eyepatch and incredibly spiked hair. As he fell backwards in shock, he immediately recognized that this man was wearing a captain's robe, despite the shredded sleeves.
The giant simply growled a short "So you're the new guy, huh...?"
He gave a vicious wolf-like grin.

(now if I can just figure out how to do hands and backgrounds, I can begin my scheme for world conquest…>3 *rubs hands together, all evil-like*)
Anyhow, I've been dying (pun semi-intended) for the chance to draw ol' Zaraki.

He was just as much of an ungodly nightmare as I expected. XD I had to redraw his hair 3 times. And I forgot his eyepatch AND his scar at first.

Yumichika was a bit of a pain. (He's hard for me to draw, especially from a profile view). I'm thrilled with how his hair turned out though! ^3^ And I really like how his orange whatchamajig turned out! :3 It was fun to play with that "woven sweater" texture.
I originally had a completely different pose in-mind for him though, sort of a *gasponoes!*-looking one. I ended up keeping a hidden layer with the lineart for his original pose, just for the fun of it.

That little pink spawn.
She didn't even LOOK like Yachiru until I started doing some HEAVY tweaking to her hair, and brightened those blush spots on her cheeks to a status of "almost glowing".
And OH GOD, Ikkaku. XD I just can't not torment that poor man.

*rubs his head apologetically*

I was originally going to have him and Yumi in the back, holding their Zanpakutou over their shoulders and looking all snazzy, and have Yachiru peeking over "Kenny's" shoulder like she usually does. Naturally, I was ready to sketch out the poses when something COMPLETELY CRACK-ish popped into my head. (Remember, this happened with that "Oooh, shiny!" pic before. XD)
You guys know me well enough by now.
"Crack" totally pwns "Snazzy" every time.
Sorry for the hideous, frantic watermarking...It would seem that some glorious little individual on LiveJournal has sniped one of my recent fanarts and taken the liberty of making an icon or two, with no credit to me. Ironically, the fanart WAS watermarked, they just grabbed a portion of the pic where it wasn't showing. O_o
Anyhow, I apologize, guys. Funny how one inconsiderate person can ruin it for everybody, huh?
(And for the record, I'm probably not going to object to someone using my pics for something like icons, as long as they have the consideration to at least ASK ME FIRST.)
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© 2007 - 2025 Linake
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Love it. Love Ikkaku and Yachiru (She's dive-bombing him! >.<), love how Yumi is just like 'oh no. . . this again. . .' love how Kenpachi isn't even paying attention to the rest of them! >.<