Hollow InsideLinake on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/linake/art/Hollow-Inside-74051799Linake

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Hollow Inside



I might do 2 more of these and toss them in the Art Auctions at Animazement and AWA this year. :) Haven't quite decided yet.

Regardless, I was reeeeeally wanting to take a shot at drawing "Hichigo". :XD:
He's such a fun little freak.

And LOOK!!! 8D I found my white gel pen!! *points to signature*

...at this point, I'd like for us all to take a moment of silence and mourn the premature demise of my poor little black Prisma marker.... *sniffle*

Characters: Tite Kubo
Art: Linake
Media: Prismacolor markers, Micron pens, mechanical pencil, Bristol Board paper.
Time: THREE DAYS. (Hooooo, yes. XD I'm getting faster!)
Image size
800x581px 127.3 KB
© 2008 - 2025 Linake
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Vashtastic's avatar
sweet evil-y goodness