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<edit #2>

Now autographed by "Grimmjow" & "Nnoitora"!!

</edit #2>

edit: LOLOMG, over 600 pageviews and 70 faves in the first day?! :XD:
Keep it comin' guys!! XD


....Holy crap, I'm so glad I'm done with this stupid thing.

No, seriously. I started this pic before AWA (over a month ago), and have worked on it ever since. :dead:
(Got a lotta compliments on it at the con, though, while I was working on it at the artist table! 8D *woohoo!*)
Besides, it's also to show that I'm not just doing idiotic minicomics. =p Heh. I CAN STILL DRAW!!! See? SEEEEE??? 8D

Anyhow, of course, here we have the 10 main Espada from "Bleach", travelling to the human world via the Garganta portal. :)

:bulletpurple: Stark</u> -- :rage: PAININTHEASS!!!!!!
....(sorry, Dee, but he was. XD)
Maybe I was just tired of the pic when I got around to drawing him, but Stark gave me a lot more trouble than he should have. ^^; Hence why he looks a little funky.

:bulletred: Aaroniero</u> -- Szayel-drawing experience aside, "The Walking Test Tube" (as I call him) was by far the easiest to draw. XD
I originally planned on him holding his mask closer, and not showing the "test tube" at all. I was just going to have a slight red glow on the inside of the mask instead. After I sketched him out, I ended up liking this pose a little better... ^^;

:bulletorange: Yammy</u> -- THE biggest pain in the butt. Stark and Ulquiorra were close, but Yammy wins. Probably because of his awkward pose. -_-;
(Again, he and Stark were the last two I drew, so I might've just been tired....x_x)

:bulletwhite: Barragan</u> -- I've never drawn an elderly person before, but he gave me a lot less trouble than I expected. o_O;

:bulletyellow: Halibel</u> -- ....Yup. Went with her manga-styled costume. =p Dunno why.
Oddly enough, it wasn't until I'd drawn her head and torso that I realized I'd totally forgotten the sword on her back.

:bulletblack: Nnoitorra</u> -- I was honestly expecting Nnoitorra to be a royal pain to draw, since I'd never drawn him before and since he has such a weird design for an anime character (meaning, a crazy-thin face, really long neck and limbs, narrow eyes, Jaws-like mouth, etc...) but I had him drawn in no time. :O_o: His "spoon" and weapon were a bit of a pain since they were totally freehanded, but otherwise, he was a piece of cake! :D
Nnoitorra's dub actor, Michael Sinterniklaas, will be at another NC con in January, and I'm debating on asking him to sign this thing.... :) What do you guys think?

:bulletblue: Grimmjow</u> -- Probably the most fun to draw, along with Nnoitorra, which surprised me a little. :XD: I tossed a few ideas around on poses for him, and ended up going with a cocky one, where he has one foot propped up on the edge of the Garganta. XD

:bulletgreen: Ulquiorra</u> -- Ulquiorra was the #2 biggest pain. -_-; Can't blame it on tiredness though-- I worked on him at the con, meaning he was one of the first 3 that I drew. X_x;;
(The first three drawn were Grimmkitty, Nnoitorra, & him)

:bulletyellow: Zommari</u> -- Another pain in the butt. Go figure.
I had a bit of trouble coming up with a good pose for him, mostly because I tried to avoid the not-dubbed-yet episodes with him in them because he creeps me out so badly. ._____.; So, I didn't know much about his personality, or how to draw him. So, I just Googled references and went with his weird, squatting, praying-like pose. :shrug:

:bulletpink: Szayel-Aporro</u> -- OF COURSE, Szayel was easy. :XD: I've only drawn him....what?...Like, a dozen times? =p
Like Grimmy, I had a few poses for him in mind at the beginning, but ended up trying to bring out as much of his personality as I could. (Meaning, his cocky "I-know-more-than-you-ever-could" attitude. *lol*)

........Funny thing is, by the time it was over, I'd either forgotten everyone else's swords, or they're posed where you couldn't see them anyway. Pinky and Nnoitorra are the only ones who're actually shown as being armed. XD

After doing all of the drawing, inking, and coloring, I did something I hadn't done in YEARS.
I borrowed the airbrush from dad, dug out my masking film from the closet downstairs, and airbrushed the entire background.
So, yeah. No Photoshop. :)
And I narrowly avoided airbrushing my coffeetable, but let's just ignore that...>> *ahem*)

...One thing did really make all the trouble worth it, though. ^_^
I posted this drawing in my Facebook photo gallery, and got a compliment on it FROM GRIMMKITTY HIMSELF. :meow:
I'd tagged David Vincent in the pic as Grimmy, and he checked it out and complimented me on it. ^_____^:heart:
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Eve-Of-Halloween's avatar
out of all of them I think you did nnoitora the best. You really got his cocky nature to show ^^