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Posters/Prints available by order!! Note me if you're interested!!
Currently in the process of getting a poster of this one signed by as many of the Devil's-Nest-related actors as I can. ^_^ So far, Greg ("Bido") is the only one I've gotten to annoy since I got the design finished.
(However, even though his Havoc isn't on it, Mr. McFarland really seemed to love it too! XD His reaction was pretty hysterical. X3)
Either way, my best Greed drawing EVER. I remember, it was a Friday morning (Friday the 13TH, of all days XD), between classes, when I zipped out to my truck for an hour and drew while waiting for Physics to start. I started with a neat pose in my head, thought "Hmm, that seems like a good 'Greed pose'...", and somehow, I got him rough-sketched in 20 minutes. ._o;
Lucky day INDEED.
Later on, I decided to add the other guys in there and turn it into a poster design. I started off with just Greed, Doro, Law, Marta, & Bido, and then decided to just go ahead and add in all of the others.
They need some fanart-love too, right?
(And those of you who might want to choke me over that "20 minutes" thing will be happy to know that the other characters drove me NUTS.)
Speaking of which, from front-to-back, we have:
Greed -- (He looks like he's revving up to punch out my monitor... <D;;; )
Dorochet -- (I wanna scratch him behind the ear, just to annoy him...>D)
Law/Roa -- (I HATED doing his hair. ><; That @$% ponytail...)
Marta/Martel -- (Best drawing of her I've ever done. XD)
Bido -- (Bido just makes me giggle. X3)
Alex (?) -- (Still haven't cared enough to translate his name from the artbook... XD)
Doku/Doc -- (First big scar I've ever done? I dunno.)
Ulchi -- (His jawline gave me trouble, otherwise, pretty easy to draw. ^^)
No Kimbley. And no Tucker. For OBVIOUS REASONS.
This one was done a bit differently-- I did this one "hanken style", as I call it.
A hanken image is an anime production sketch or cel used for illustrations, card designs, etc. (i.e., pretty much everything that ISN'T used in the actual shows)
Anyhow hankens with multiple characters are very rarely drawn on a single page. (Like this one from my collection --[link] where it takes 3 seperate layers to compose the characters) Almost always, each character has their own page, and they're later layered to make one big image.
THAT is how I did this Devil's Nest pic-- Greed was on one page, Dorochet on the next, then Law, and so on. ^^ To save on paper, I did combine Marta and Bido on the same page though, and then the top 3 guys are on one page too, so it's just a grand total of 5 seperate pages.
Anyhow, I colored each page individually in Photoshop, then layered them all and added the "Devil's Nest" title to make the final illustration.
It was fun to use cel-style shading and the hanken technique for once! Gave it a nice, crisp, official-looking style to it, I think. ^_^
(plus it made a really nice-lookin' poster. :3 *hee*)
Currently in the process of getting a poster of this one signed by as many of the Devil's-Nest-related actors as I can. ^_^ So far, Greg ("Bido") is the only one I've gotten to annoy since I got the design finished.

(However, even though his Havoc isn't on it, Mr. McFarland really seemed to love it too! XD His reaction was pretty hysterical. X3)
Either way, my best Greed drawing EVER. I remember, it was a Friday morning (Friday the 13TH, of all days XD), between classes, when I zipped out to my truck for an hour and drew while waiting for Physics to start. I started with a neat pose in my head, thought "Hmm, that seems like a good 'Greed pose'...", and somehow, I got him rough-sketched in 20 minutes. ._o;
Lucky day INDEED.
Later on, I decided to add the other guys in there and turn it into a poster design. I started off with just Greed, Doro, Law, Marta, & Bido, and then decided to just go ahead and add in all of the others.

(And those of you who might want to choke me over that "20 minutes" thing will be happy to know that the other characters drove me NUTS.)
Speaking of which, from front-to-back, we have:
Greed -- (He looks like he's revving up to punch out my monitor... <D;;; )
Dorochet -- (I wanna scratch him behind the ear, just to annoy him...>D)
Law/Roa -- (I HATED doing his hair. ><; That @$% ponytail...)
Marta/Martel -- (Best drawing of her I've ever done. XD)
Bido -- (Bido just makes me giggle. X3)
Alex (?) -- (Still haven't cared enough to translate his name from the artbook... XD)
Doku/Doc -- (First big scar I've ever done? I dunno.)
Ulchi -- (His jawline gave me trouble, otherwise, pretty easy to draw. ^^)
No Kimbley. And no Tucker. For OBVIOUS REASONS.
This one was done a bit differently-- I did this one "hanken style", as I call it.
A hanken image is an anime production sketch or cel used for illustrations, card designs, etc. (i.e., pretty much everything that ISN'T used in the actual shows)
Anyhow hankens with multiple characters are very rarely drawn on a single page. (Like this one from my collection --[link] where it takes 3 seperate layers to compose the characters) Almost always, each character has their own page, and they're later layered to make one big image.
THAT is how I did this Devil's Nest pic-- Greed was on one page, Dorochet on the next, then Law, and so on. ^^ To save on paper, I did combine Marta and Bido on the same page though, and then the top 3 guys are on one page too, so it's just a grand total of 5 seperate pages.
Anyhow, I colored each page individually in Photoshop, then layered them all and added the "Devil's Nest" title to make the final illustration.

It was fun to use cel-style shading and the hanken technique for once! Gave it a nice, crisp, official-looking style to it, I think. ^_^
(plus it made a really nice-lookin' poster. :3 *hee*)
Image size
566x720px 107.19 KB
© 2007 - 2025 Linake
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love this greed does look like he might hit the person looking at the picture