Del ToroLinake on DeviantArt

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Del Toro



<edit #2>

EEEhehehehehe..... :)
That is all. :3

</edit #2>


What a difference a blender pencil makes, eh? :3

Went over a few little places --and most obviously, the background-- with the colorless blender pencil, just to smooth everything out and brighten it up a bit before Ilforte goes to his new owner, Mr. Weisz. :)


My "sand" Prisma pencil is on life-support at the moment...

A couple days ago, I checked my email and was surprised to find that I'd gotten a note on Facebook from Ezra Weisz, the dub voice actor for Ilforte Grantz. (of the thousand-and-a-half ways to spell Ilforte's name, this is the one I've picked...)
Anyway, he'd sent me a short note saying that, that morning, he'd done the last of his recording work for Bleach, and finished the note off with "(sad face)"


Ilforte being one of my favorite of the Arrancar, I was inspired to draw a quick giftart for him, to commemorate his role. :3
That, and, aside from his helmet/mask being an epic pain in the butt, Ilforte is pretty fun to draw. :XD:

Naturally, the original looks a lot better than this awful scan. ><;;

:bulletyellow: Ilforte Grantz & "Del Toro"-- Tite Kubo
:bulletyellow: Artwork-- ~Linake
:bulletyellow: Media-- 9x12 Bristol Board, Prismacolor pencils, Micron pens
:bulletyellow: Time-- About 12-15 hours. I didn't keep track, but I've had a headache ever since I finished it. I think Szayel is pissed that I didn't draw him instead and is squishing a little voodoo doll of me. o.o;
Image size
856x648px 225.6 KB
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