AWA '08 Bobbleheads :3Linake on DeviantArt

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AWA '08 Bobbleheads :3



:bulletpurple::bulletpurple: Want more bobbleheads? Check out the others I've made in my Bobblehead Index journal! :3 :bulletpurple::bulletpurple:

plus...THEY'RE OFFICIALLY APPROVED!!!!!! :thumbsup:

Anyhow, here, we have the 4 bobbles that I took with me to give to their respective actors. ^_^

--Tamaki from "Ouran" for Vic (this is the one he requested back at Animazement)
--Gojyo from "Saiyuki" for Illich
--Hyatt from "Excel Saga" for Monica
--Roy from "FMA" for Travis

Potentially-interestiing facts--
:bulletred: Tamaki's little rose was originally white. ^^; I bought it at a craft store, and I had to sit there on my bed one night for about 2 hours and meticulously paint it red.
:bulletred: Gojyo's weapon-chain is made of a sterling silver necklace chain (same thing I used for Ed's pocketwatch chain on my "Fateful Night" maquette)
:bulletred: Hyatt's skirt is a painted Kleenex.
:bulletred: Tiny coathangers are a nightmare to make.
:bulletred: Vic has now requested his next FOUR bobbles. XDDD

w00t, w00t. ^_^
Image size
720x3024px 613.68 KB
© 2008 - 2025 Linake
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Glamrgrl104's avatar
eeeeee tamaki! WOW! that is hella awesome that you got commisioned to do them for the anime dub actors.