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My art is still used in many places but some of the "Hall of Shame" people have taken it down and I am removing all the links.


I should have written this long ago.

I've uploaded this piece of work in it's ORIGINAL FORMAT because of one thing: people kept asking me how I work, kept asking me for a tutorial. I tried to make a tutorial once, but that wasn't clear enough I guess.

So I though I'd give away one work as an AI-file, so that everybody could see the layers etc. and see how everything works, maybe find what she/he was looking for in my works - I mean some "hidden" technique people've been asking me about.

One could have predicted that uploading a piece of work in it's original format gives too much freedom to those who tend to misuse other people's works.

At first it was funny to hear about this work being used for
* Poster for some musical festifal in Edinburgh
* Cover for CD with graduating students' works of one art school in Ukraine
* Logo of some art group in China
* Prints on T-shirts (I don't remember where - Mexico?)

and for many many other purposes in various corners of the world.

But the latest email wasn't funny any more - I've been told my work has won the 3rd place all over the country at an art Expo in Columbia.
Naturally, not under my name. I was the last to know, as usual.

One could say - "Your own fault". But I've explained the reasons why I've uploaded my work in AI-format.

The most unpleasant thing is - people trying to make not only money, but even name at the expense of other's work.

I've decided to collect the information about cases of misuse of my work and post it here, in the "Hall of shame".

I'd be greatful for any help - if somebody knows about cases of my work being stolen and misused and takes time to write me a notice, maybe even with a photo.

Hopefully, this will help. I promise to put here a small notice if somebody of the "reported" people contact me and clear up things.

Last but not least.
I don't really mind my tutorial being used, but you want to use it (naturally, not for displaying it on some art competitions under your name), please, write me a notice or an email. I'm slow at answering, but I'll try to answer it as soon as possible. And credit the artist please!

Everyone, thank you for your attention.

I'm really sorry for bringing this up and maybe, spoiling the atmosphere. But I hope everybody will understand me.

with regards and best wishes
© 2009 - 2025 LimKis
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