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LimitlessEndeavours's avatar
FAQheader by LimitlessEndeavours
CatIconSmallRed by LimitlessEndeavours Personal Information/Working Hours

CatIconSmallGreen by LimitlessEndeavours Shop/Orders

CatIconSmallYellow by LimitlessEndeavours Commissions

CatIconSmallOrange by LimitlessEndeavours Tutorials

CatIconSmallBlue by LimitlessEndeavours Copyright/Legal Actions

CatIconSmallDarkBlue by LimitlessEndeavours Resources

Something personal to begin with...

CatIconSmallRed by LimitlessEndeavours Who is Limitless Endeavours?
Limitless Endeavours is a licensed business in the state of Texas, USA. It was founded in 2012 and is a two-person team, consisting of Jonathan Goolsby and I - Barbara Goolsby. We are husband and wife, I however grew up in Germany and migrated in 2012 to the United States. We have different roles in our full-time Arts & Crafts business. My husband is responsible for the online store, customer eMails, as well as frequent jobs in our workshop. I primarily work in the workshop and packing station, take care of DeviantART, Facebook & Twitter, give quotes and do frequently customer eMails. We do have no employees at this time, but are planning to expand in future. Besides our Arts & Crafts business, we take over the family ranch and will expand in hunting and taxidermy.

Visit our online store by following the link and take a peek at our work! www.limitlessendeavours.com

Our working hours are MO - FRI, 8:00 AM - 8:00 PM
We check eMails frequently on weekends and holidays.
Shipping days are mainly mondays and thursdays, but can vary depending on the amount of orders that are compleeded.

CatIconSmallGreen by LimitlessEndeavours Shop/Orders

What do you offer in general?
We do offer unique art dolls, Doll DIY-Kits, as well as the service of molding and casting YOUR* art!

(*Please check the point “Commissions“)

Why does it take some days until my order gets shipped?
The majority of our products are produced after request. Since we are a two-person team, it can take a couple days to finish your order. However, we try to ship out as fast as possible. Please be patient, especially if your order is somewhat larger.

Why is the shipping so “high“?
We do ship through our local postal office and deal with the current charges of the mail service. Also, please don't forget that we have to buy boxes, packing materials and tape. All this is included in the shipping. Heads up: We are now offering a cheaper shipping option in our store! :)

CatIconSmallYellow by LimitlessEndeavours Commissions

Are you open for freelance work?
Yes! We are open for freelance work (molding/casting) any time! We use platinum silicone rubbers and resins in different colors from smooth-on. Please send your detailed request to barbara.goolsby@aol.com and include information about the original‘s material, measurements and pictures! We do not mold originals containing sulfur!

Are you open for doll commissions?
Please check my front page to check for open slots!

I really like a DIY, but can I only purchase the resin parts?
Sure! This option should be available in our web store www.limitlessendeavours.com  on each DIY-Kit.

How much does a custom commissioned doll cost? Do you have a price list?
We have no price list. We do give quotes individually, depending on kind of doll, size, and materials. Please keep in mind that each doll is entirely handmade and that it takes weeks of preparation and work, to make your dream doll reality.

How long does it take to make my doll?
It takes about 40 hours that I work off and on on your order. Time can vary though from project to project.

What materials will my custom commissioned doll be made of?
We use a wide variety of materials to match your expectations, depending on the price you are willing to pay for.

Materials we use for more expensive dolls:
Durable resin casts
Everlasting plastic ball joint armature
Taxidermy & printed glass eyes
High quality fabrics & faux furs with additional airbrushing

Materials we use for less expensive dolls:
Sculpey parts
Wire armature/no armature
Hand-painted clear resin eyes & eyes painted onto the face
High quality fabrics & faux furs

Feel free to mix materials: Durable armature + sculpey parts + taxidermy eyes etc.. Be flexible - so are we!

I saw a doll you previously made and really liked the paint job, can you make me a duplicate?
To be honest, it is not possible to "duplicate" a previously made doll. We mix the colors custom for each doll and duplicating a previously created paint job is not possible. Even fur/fabric colors vary from time to time (dye job in the fabric companies). We can however create a similar doll for you!

You have no commission slots open but still add sphynx doll commissions to it? Why?
Sphynx doll commissions are sold via our web store www.limitlessendeavours.com and are therefore regular shop orders. Those will always be added to the current working list, regardless of the slot status on DA.

CatIconSmallOrange by LimitlessEndeavours Tutorials

We publish tutorials on DeviantART to help you guys with your “first times“. If you have a question about an already published tutorial, please take your time to check the comments from other deviants for your question before asking us. Follow the link to be teleported to the tutorials directly: limitlessendeavours.deviantart…

CatIconSmallBlue by LimitlessEndeavours Copyright/Legal actions

Can I buy your molds or can you tell me where you get them?
We make all molds ourselves off of our original sculpts. We do not sell our molds and originals! However, we offer freelance work regarding molding/casting your own work! Please look under the point “Commissions“.

Can I make copies of resin pieces and patterns?
NO! You are not allowed to make copies of our work!

Limitless Endeavours is a licensed business in the state of Texas, USA. Our products are copyrighted, we therefore take legal actions against thieves!

I made a doll with your DIY-Kit or bought another kind of product from you - Can I sell it?
YES! You are allowed to sell a DIY-Kit or any other product bought in our store, providing credit to the origin and not claiming as your own!

I saw someone selling copies of your work and/or products containing images of your work! What should I do?
Please notify us immidiately via eMail to circazero27@aol.com and barbara.goolsby@aol.com with a link to the person of suspicion! You will be rewarded for your watchful eye!

Someone is selling products looking exactly like the originals in your store (and not giving credit)! What should I do?
Please notify us immediately via eMail to circazero27@aol.com and barbara.goolsby@aol.com with a link to the suspicious product!

CatIconSmallDarkBlue by LimitlessEndeavours Resources of Materials we use:


(fabrics) www.fabrics.com
(fabrics) www.fabricempire.com
(armatures) www.crscrafts.com
(chemicals) www.smooth-on.com
(chemicals) www.tapplastics.com
(paint) www.dickblick.com
(taxidermy) www.mckenziesp.com
(miscellaneous) www.etsy.com

Local (USA):

(miscellaneous) Hobby Lobby
(miscellaneous) Michaels
(miscellaneous) Home Depot
(miscellaneous) Kroger

We reserve the right to not publish all our sources. We like secrets and we want to keep some. :la:

Something missing?
If there are information in our FAQ missing that could be helpful, leave us a note! Thank you!

© 2014 - 2025 LimitlessEndeavours
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Leland-Doodles's avatar
I just received one of your voodoo cats casts. I would like to put a ball joint armature in it. I saw you have done this with your own voodoo cats. I was wondering if you can tell me what size fits best?