lim's avatar


Andreas Rosenberg
4 Watchers7 Deviations
Llama: Llamas are awesome! (4)
My Bio

Current Residence: Denmark / Sjælland / Helsingør
Favourite genre of music: rap.. hard'n'heavy rock. Techno/Trance aNd WhaTsoEVeR
Operating System: winXP
MP3 player of choice: Winamp 5.0x
Favourite cartoon character: Mighty Mouse!
Personal Quote: BANON: We´ve no time to dilly-dally. Let´s make for Narshe!

Favourite Movies
Boondock Saints, Kill Bill, Fight Club..
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
Vaaaaroius artists (and that is NOT a band :)
Favourite Gaming Platform
The PS2 or GameBoy
have fUn with the new pictUre :) dunno what else to say.. carpe diem? yeah that's how i like it! hehe.. c'ya!
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Your latest works are wonderful, I dare you keep them up! ;) (Wink)