ShopDreamUp AI ArtDreamUp
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The OSCARS 2014 are tonight. What movie is winning the ...
| 307 votes
- American Hustle
- Captain Phillips
- Dallas Buyers Club
- Gravity
- Her
- Nebraska
- Philomena
- 12 Years a Slave
- The Wolf of Wall Street
What country/continent are you from?
| 3410 votes
- United States of America
- United Kingdom
- Canada
- Germany
- Brazil
- Australia
- Europe (other than UK and DE)
- Middle/South America (other than Brazil)
- Asia
- Africa
How many USER ACCOUNTS have you ever created and what f...
| 1030 votes
- Just ONE
- 2 accounts
- 3-4 accounts
- 5-6 accounts
- 7-8 accounts
- 9-10 accounts
- more than 10 accounts
- I didn't count, my DA accounts come and go...
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spades could be gray... you know, it's a weapo after all XD