Spectrum ILilyas on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/lilyas/art/Spectrum-I-103869785Lilyas

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Spectrum I



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I know this kind of conceptual photography has been done a million times before but I love these shiny colorful waterdrops on CDs and I always wanted to add my two cents to that issue.

So here it is, number one in a series of rainbow waterdrops! Wanna see more? :D

Spectrum II by Lilyas Spectrum III by Lilyas
Spectrum IV by Lilyas Spectrum V by Viliggoly Spectrum VI by Viliggoly

The last two parts of the series I transferred to my photo account Viliggoly to avoid to bore you but make the series complete! :D

EDIT: Whoa 1000 favs and ~4000 views after 5 ½ hours!!! :omg:
:bulletred: :bulletorange: :bulletyellow: :bulletgreen: :bulletblue: :bulletpurple: :bulletred: :bulletorange: :bulletyellow: :bulletgreen: :bulletblue: :bulletpurple: :bulletred: :bulletorange: :bulletyellow: :bulletgreen: :bulletblue: :bulletpurple: :bulletred: :bulletorange: :bulletyellow: :bulletgreen: :bulletblue: :bulletpurple: :bulletred: :bulletorange: :bulletyellow: :bulletgreen: :bulletblue: :bulletpurple:
THANKS so much, people!


Camera: Canon EOS 30D
Lens: Canon EF 100 mm 1:2.8 Macro USM
Editing: Photoshop CS3

:star: My Waterdrops Collection

:star: My Macro Collection

My PHOTO account


:star: More Macro...

© Copyright by Lily A. Seidel 2008. All rights reserved. You may not use my work without my written permission.
Image size
700x567px 143.26 KB
© 2008 - 2025 Lilyas
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DjShortyWolf's avatar
I'm quite late but this is incredible. The fact that you used something so simple like a CD to create this is amazing.