Happy Valentine's DayLilyas on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/lilyas/art/Happy-Valentine-s-Day-433786621Lilyas

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Happy Valentine's Day




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Happy Valentines Day by Lilyas

My contribution to the Valentine's Day Art Exchange 2014/15/16/17/18: Many hearts forming a heart.....

You can also download this as wallpaper WITHOUT THE LETTERING. But it's :bulletred: Premium Content so you have to donate some points before you can download it. My art and in particular my wallpapers have been and still are commerically abused and sold multiple times without my consent so I want to make a little barrier for art thiefs. Sorry for this! Hope you enjoy this one anyway. If you sent me a note I most likely will give it to you for free. For personal use only! This is no stock!

The zip-file contains the following sizes:
  • 1280 x 1024 px
  • 1600 x 1200 px
  • 1920 x 1200 px



:iconblue-dplz::iconblue-aplz::iconblue-yplz::iconbugplz::iconeufrosis: :iconteamoplz: :iconlovesplz:

On February 12th until the 19th, a special :heart: Send a Valentine button will magically appear on this deviation page which means you can send this valentine gift card to a fellow deviant and include a message if you so choose.

:star: How does it work? :iconspreadmoreloveplz:

:star: How does it work 2016? :iconspreadmoreloveplz:

:iconpointright: Other Hearts for Valentine's Day:

Valentine's Day - Greeting Card by Lilyas  Valentine's Heart by Lilyas  The Oppostional One by Lilyas  Take My Heart by Lilyas  Happy Valentine's Day by Lilyas My Heart is Yours by Lilyas

© Copyright by Lily A. Seidel 2014. All rights reserved. You may not use my work without my written permission.
Image size
1000x625px 274.48 KB
© 2014 - 2025 Lilyas
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Libra-Heart's avatar

happy valentine day to you too:heart: