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Happy Birthday Rainbow Balloons



Happy Birthday (Animated) by Lacerem Glosbos.png by eriikpoper

October 13 - Happy Birthday to me!! :dance:  Smileys Birthday / 04 by LOVEMAYUBirthday cake  icon  Misc Emoji-03 (Sparkling Gift) [V1]  Sparkle out of the hat 

..... and everyone else for that matter! Yeah, it's my birthday today. I already received so many lovely birthday wishes from my friends and watchers.
I want to say  ThankUVeryMuch by JacqChristiaanto everyone! It's much appreciated. :heart:

I rceived this image as a birthday postcard and wanted to share it with you. I love the rainbow balloons. :heart:

Subscriber can post the thumb in comments. Feel free to use it. :D :blowkiss:
Image size
800x400px 371 KB
© 2016 - 2024 Lilyas
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SmittN's avatar

I love birthdays! I always try to think of cool gifts for my friends and surprise them. To do this, I carefully write down all the gift ideas throughout the year when I hear from friends that they want something or look for pictures at The result is usually something interesting. This year I decided to get a friend a backpack. Why a backpack? Because I like to ride a bike, and I like the feel of being on the road. It is also a universal thing: you can take your documents or books with you. This is the case when a gift corresponds to the mood and lifestyle.