Flower of Life GoldLilyas on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/lilyas/art/Flower-of-Life-Gold-868175658Lilyas

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Flower of Life Gold


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A new design featuring the (extendend) Flower of Life symbol.

The Flower of Life symbol is considered to be sacred among many cultures around the world, both ancient and modern. Within this symbol can be found all the building blocks of the universe that we call the Platonic Solids. The symbol can be used as a metaphor to illustrate the connectedness of all life and spirit within the universe. 

In sacred geometry, the six pointed star is known as Star Tetrahedron and Spiritually, it is called a Mer (rotating light) Ka (Soul or Spirit) (Ba) Physical Body. We have the opportunity to bring into greater alignment our body, mind, heart into relationship with Soul.

The Star of David, also known as the Seal of Solomon is an esoteric symbol. In India, the six pointed star has been associating with Shiva/Shakti interconnection or Divine Masculine/Feminine in harmony and union. When the triangles merge with each other to form the shape of a hexagon, it can be seen as a state of manifestation. Star of David is an unusual alignment that opens a gateway into Consciousness.

:iconshining-heart: Other Flower of Life and Merkabah designs:

Flower of Life Lotus by Lilyas  Golden Lace Mandala with Flower of Life by Lilyas  Rainbow Flower of Life Lotus by Lilyas 
Flower of Life Fractal Star of David by Lilyas  Rainbow Metatron's Cube PRINT by Lilyas  Flower of Life Window Sticker - light - by Lilyas

© Copyright by Lily A. Seidel 2021. All rights reserved. You may not use my work without my written permission.
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800x800px 1.21 MB
© 2021 - 2024 Lilyas
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JokerPenguinRiddler's avatar

The design looks very Christian like.