Celestial TransformationLilyas on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/lilyas/art/Celestial-Transformation-640671249Lilyas

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Celestial Transformation



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Work in Progress and Detail from finished work:

Celestial Transformation WIP by Lilyas :heart: Celestial Transformation DETAIL by Lilyas

Update: The print is available now. This work is also part of the Cosmic Love Calendar:

Cosmic Love 2017 Calendar by Lilyas
Here now finally - this is the finished piece. love-love-love Cheerleader cheer dance 

:meditation: revamped  Celestial Transformation enlightenment (sgv-1-1) 

Well, I wasn't able to post it the day after the WIP was posted. Because I needed much more time than I thought. bunneh icon15  I worked on it for 6 days straight with almost no sleep or food or seeing the sun. ROFL That's how hooked I was with this project! And I think it shows. I am not doing a lot of photomanipluation work but everytime I create a new work I like to think this is the best photomanipulation work I have ever done so far. This one is no exception. I pushed my own limits with this one. And the limits of Photoshop. :giggle: I thought I was on the save side with an Intel Core i7-6700HQ / 2.6 GHz CPU, an NVIDIA GeForce GTX 970M GPU and 16 GB memory but then I received this message:

"Couldn't save .....Celestial Transformation.psd because it exceeds the 2,00GB limit for the saving Photoshop files." - Update: Problem solved with .psb format.....

Celestial Transformation notice by Lilyas

What the hell? :OMFG:  This was the first time in my entie life as an artist that I had to realize that there is this kind of limit in PS. Before that my files never exceeded 500 MB file size. Well, why is this file so huge? Because I worked on a large canvas (27 x 27 inch) and used a lot of reversible actions, masks and layers. I had to outsource parts of the file to be able to save everything. - Update: Problem solved with .psb format.....

:iconcocoheartplz: Artwork Description

I had somemthing celestial in mind - hence the title. The woman in the center is like a cut diamond. She came from the dark and went into the light. She is surrounded by the elements: fire, earth, water and air and she is connected with the universe. She is not a goddess but she knows what source she came from. She has arrived at her final destination: LOVE.

:iconcocoheartplz: Thanksgiving

And again THANK YOU for all the wonderful comments on my birthday on October 13! I guess I can't reply to every single one. I dedicate also this finished work to all my friends and supporters. In the following special thanks to some special people, just to name a few. I thank you all for the love an support you gave me over the past year. :heart:

:iconmaxlake2: :iconvsconcepts: :iconmarijeberting: :iconslowdog294: :iconnmsmith: :iconjoe-maccer: :iconamnatea: :iconjassysart: :iconjim373: :iconrelhom: :iconingelore: :icondarkc3po: :iconundead-academy: :icongrowlie26: :iconcoolmarvin: :iconthegalleryofeve: :iconholymacro: :iconbatjorge: :iconsesam-is-open: :iconkpekep: :iconluna-fantasma: :iconfrostfire101: :icontigles1artistry: :iconbillynikoll:

:iconcocoheartplz: Stock Credits

:heart: :iconmoepforfreedom: - moepforfreedom :heart: :iconlockjavv-stock: - LockJavv-Stock :heart: :icontirasco-madawa: - tirasco-madawa :heart: :iconwelshpixie: - WelshPixie :heart: :iconwolverine041269: - wolverine041269 :heart: :iconartbeatz: - artbeatz :heart: :icongrannysatticstock: - GRANNYSATTICSTOCK :heart: :iconlilipilyspirit: - LilipilySpirit :heart: :iconlilystox: - LilyStox :heart: :iconannfrost-stock: - AnnFrost-stock :heart: :iconsweetlilfly: - sweetlilfly :heart: :icongoblinstock: - GoblinStock :heart: :icontracie76stock: - Tracie76Stock :heart: :iconibitiura: - ibitiura :heart: :iconcathleentarawhiti: - CathleenTarawhiti :heart:

:iconcocoheartplz: Other photomanip and design work from my gallery

Rainbow Eye: Love and Light by Lilyas Fruit of Life - Metatron's Cube II by Lilyas Ascension - Apparel + Skins + Home Decor by Lilyas Cosmic Love by Lilyas Water In My Eyes by Lilyas

© Copyright by Lily A. Seidel 2016. All rights reserved. You may not use my work without my written permission.

Image size
900x900px 464.58 KB
© 2016 - 2025 Lilyas
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unicorngraphics's avatar

Outstanding Art!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!