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lily-fox's avatar

Comfort food



I imagine that Anna’s probably never had to cook for herself, and wouldn’t it be sweet if Kristoff cooked for her? Don’t ask me where this is, ‘cause for sure he never lived in a place that nice, but it’s definitely no palace. Maybe after they marry, they build a little home in the woods. A nice little place with a Dutch door that looks into a stable, so Sven can poke his head in and share some supper.

I can probably count all my proper backgrounds on one hand. They're really intimidating to me, but so worth it when they turn out well. I use negative space as a crutch, I think, and while it looks really lovely most of the time, it feels really good to be able to make a whole piece come together with a background.

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characters @ Disney
music: The Chieftains, "Planxty George Brabazon"
Please do not reproduce without my explicit permission.

Image size
1200x893px 916.91 KB
© 2014 - 2024 lily-fox
EverfterFan's avatar
mmm, how sweet. I think it looks fabulous. Love the idea of Sven poking his head in. 
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