Team Iron Spirit App 2.0 omg!lilowoof on DeviantArt

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lilowoof's avatar

Team Iron Spirit App 2.0 omg!



Gotta redo this info. :D

Oh boy oh boy...

Arc two!

Hahaha This app is forever ruined.

Old Arc 1 app: [link]

Feel free to cameo my teams, and tell me if you do so!

Pork Chop Bhooni

Tao high app

For :iconpmd-explorers:

Frey: Sometimes he seems unhappy and cold on the outside, but is actually quite the opposite. He loves his team and would go great lengths to protect them. Still, he's very blunt and a "straight to the point" kind of guy.

:bulletred:He can use Psychic to manipulate particles in order to create extra arms (if needed)
:bulletyellow:Likes to read

Mya: She's very flirty and can be called a femme fatale. She likes to toxic her opponents and watch them slowly suffer. She also enjoys making them work for her by using attract, though she herself doesn't like to be hit on. Both she and Frey like to take a quick advantage with Sucker Punch.

:bulletred:She likes to poison her plants
:bulletyellow:Has a strange addiction for spicy foods
:bulletred:Enjoys alcohol mixed with tobasco sauce
:bulletyellow:Is able to understand Amabel's French (to some extent)

Amabel/Truffle: She is the daughter of Frey and Mya. Amabel is her first name, while Truffle is her middle name. They are interchangeable. Her origins seem to have a French background, due to her French accent. Occasionally, she mixes in french words with english. She has bundles of energy pent up inside her and therefore rarely sits still, though she's a heavy sleeper. (lucky for her parents :eyes: ) Her scarf is used as a leash.

:bulletred:Her favourite past times are sleeping, going for walks and digging up mushrooms.
:bulletyellow:Mushrooms are her favourite food as well as chocolate truffles.
:bulletred:She has a fang that is only visible when her mouth is open wide.
:bulletyellow:She and James are best friends.
:bulletred:Has trouble reading and writing

James: During Mission four, James was ganged up on by his fellow ex-Slasher members for wanting to join a guild. Luckily, Team Iron Spirit was nearby and saved his butt. He, under their request, joined the Rogue guild with another team. After some time though, James felt he would happier if he joined Team Iron Spirit.

:bulletred:Able to work with very little sleep and because of this, would do the all-nighter jobs when he was still part of Slasher’s gang.
:bulletyellow:Very outgoing and snarky, however when outnumbered, he becomes very cowardly.
:bulletred:Is quite attached to his bow-tie though he never explained why.
:bulletyellow:Reluctant to use Darkpulse…
:bulletred:Has an accent like these other Sneasels but hides it very well
:bulletyellow:Can't read or write

Fighting style: This team is half offensive, half defensive. If they have the advantage of surprise, then they use their priority moves. Otherwise they either go all out, or stall with statuses.

If they were human, their ages would be: Frey- 24, Mya- 22, Amabel- 9-10ish and James- 13-14.

Update 1: Consisted of art revisions, new members, retouching of info, etc.
Update 2: Arc 2 app is a gogo!
Update 3: As of Mission six, Frey is currently absent from the team and Amabel is sporting a small scar
Update 4: New art and Peek-at-chu rank!
Update 5: Frey returned! Also used 3 vouchers to get the extinct visor, spidersilk shawl and unlock storage.

All things copyrighted to their original owners.
Art (c) :iconlilowoof:


Accessory Vouchers:
Mission 3 Mission 4 Mission 5 Mission 6 Mission 7 Mission 7 (past)

Evolution Scrolls
Event 2 Event 3 Event 4 Event 6.1 Event 6.2 Event 7

In storage
Happy Ball

First place for M5 (Frey, Mya, Amabel)

My Tumblr where I usually post sketches of them.

Gijinka version

"Secrets" picture

James joined the team (titled "Derp" for whatever reason XD)

A possible future

:bulletblack: Missions/events
Event 2: Love(ly) Fireworks Reference: A Fire Eyes poster (Secret of Evermore)
Mission 3: A Towering Adventure Reference: A Fawful quote (M&L: BIS)
Event 3: Doctor for a day Reference: CoAD Outcast book
Mission 4 : Booking Your Fate Reference: Lexy's library books have phrases written on them.
Event 4: Party like it's Sorbet's birthday (Collab with ~Khrysteen) Reference: ---
Mission 5: The things you do when drunk Reference: Mya sings the very beginning of the first pokemon theme.
Mission 6: Dead Inside Reference: Tobite (pokesona) poster
Event 6.1: Happy Spirits are blooming [we never actually had a title for this XD] (Collab with ~mightycucumber) Reference: ---
Event 6.2: Illusions Reference: ---
Mission 7: Iron WIKIFIGY-Gone like the wind (Collab with =NightingDayFlaaffy) Reference: There is a 1 up poster inside a Spinda's Cafe
Mission 7 past: Saving Jasmine in two different timezones Reference: ---
Event 7: Letters that stood the test of time Reference: ---
January task
May task

:bulletpink:Go here to see my teams cameoed in other comics/writing and art people have drawn for me!

:bulletyellow:Or go here to see all the comics and random art I made for the group!
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© 2011 - 2025 lilowoof
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ChibiJirachi's avatar
Cameo: [link]
Thanks for letting me use your team!