VF EmoticonsLilithhc on DeviantArthttp://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nd/3.0/https://www.deviantart.com/lilithhc/art/VF-Emoticons-64511996Lilithhc

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VF Emoticons



Yes, I'm a sick and dementend person, who actually has a deepppppppp love for VF ( xDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD )

I made this icons, and ahahhaha I really like them, I thought that It would be nice to have some exclusive VF emoticons, I'm think in make the "second part" because many expressions are missing.

To make them I based on VF Face...

VF images and logos are copyrighted by Synth-tec Inc. 2007... I just did this emoticons

24-09-2007: Now you can downloaddddddddddddddddd the msn [windows/pc] Pack!!!!!!!!!!!! ^^
Just click the link wich says: Download file -_-!

If you download please comment! :P
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George-Albert's avatar
orale la verdad muy buenos amigo me gustaron y pues la verdad lo voy a ocupar para ponerlos en mi foro xDDD thanks