Modest Medusa KeychainsLiliNeko on DeviantArt

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LiliNeko's avatar

Modest Medusa Keychains



Made some new keychain designs of my buddy's JakeRichmond  , webcomics characters. These are set to be for his kickstarter rewards first and later down the road future purchases if anyone is interested. 

We have (left) Medusa with a cutesy smiling expression, (middle) is one of her sisters, Glado and (right) is Medusa again with a semi-surprised expression.

If you are curious about the webcomics (that is if you already don't know about it), you can view it here on dA on his profile or mainsite,

Disclaimer - All Modest Medusa designs belongs to JakeRichmond, I just made them in artisan form :3
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2896x2896px 372.93 KB
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badcop69's avatar
That's super cool some of your best work imo.