Fell in love with dinosaurs at the age of three and from then on they and their world have become the only constant in my life.
This summer i will finish my bachelors degree in Palaeontology at the Faculty of Geology and Geophysics and move on to a masters degree and hopefully an oil rig far far away.
In the rare instances when you will not find me working on a fossil or drawing the animal it belongs to i will be on the archery range practicing my shots.
The Dune novels have changed me forever and so has this passion for art that i have discovered a few years back.
Although you do not know me, wish me luck, this fall i intend to put in an application for the Faculty of Arts.
Current Residence: Virgo Supercluster, Local Group, Milky Way Galaxy, Orion - Cygnus Arm, Solar System, Planet Terra
Favourite genre of music: Celtic,Classical, Ballad, Arabesque, Rock
Favourite style of art: Classical Realism, Paleoart
Operating System: Windows XP
MP3 player of choice: Samsung YP - K3
Shell of choice: sorry i am a vertebrate
Wallpaper of choice: Space wallpapers
Skin of choice: sandworm skin
Favourite cartoon character: Dick Dastardly
Personal Quote: The future is the past reflected in the mirror of the present