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My Bio

Fell in love with dinosaurs at the age of three and from then on they and their world have become the only constant in my life.

This summer i will finish my bachelors degree in Palaeontology at the Faculty of Geology and Geophysics and move on to a masters degree and hopefully an oil rig far far away.

In the rare instances when you will not find me working on a fossil or drawing the animal it belongs to i will be on the archery range practicing my shots.

The Dune novels have changed me forever and so has this passion for art that i have discovered a few years back.

Although you do not know me, wish me luck, this fall i intend to put in an application for the Faculty of Arts.

Current Residence: Virgo Supercluster, Local Group, Milky Way Galaxy, Orion - Cygnus Arm, Solar System, Planet Terra
Favourite genre of music: Celtic,Classical, Ballad, Arabesque, Rock
Favourite style of art: Classical Realism, Paleoart
Operating System: Windows XP
MP3 player of choice: Samsung YP - K3
Shell of choice: sorry i am a vertebrate
Wallpaper of choice: Space wallpapers
Skin of choice: sandworm skin
Favourite cartoon character: Dick Dastardly
Personal Quote: The future is the past reflected in the mirror of the present

Favourite Visual Artist
Raul Martin, John Sibbick, Todd Marshall, Mauricio Anton
Favourite Movies
On the Beach, Dune, The Hunger, Gattaca, Stargate, Battlestar Galactica
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
Pink Floyd, Dead can Dance, Vivaldi
Favourite Writers
Emily Dickinson, William Blake, Vachel Lindasy, Frank Herbert, Arthur C. Clark.
Favourite Games
knife games
Tools of the Trade
Paintbrush, paint, pencils, pastels, bow and arrows, newtonian telescope, rock hammer
Other Interests
Painting and Drawing, Physics, Astronomy, Archery, Toxicology

By the Sea

0 min read
Above me - tempestuous clouds in tatters disband Heavens to reveal serenely - Eternity Behind me - meandering footsteps melt from the land Dunes to carpet peacefully - History Beyond me - endless sea embraces the sand Voice to beckon softly - InfinityAnd I... A shadow awaiting For their judgment and seal The dawn to reveal God’s own creation Forever longing Redemptionby Liliensternus:iconDeviantDinosaurs: :iconRaptors4Ever:
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Profile Comments 24

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Nice art! I'm interested in Hateg's fauna too. :)
You have really beautiful gallery here, it's good to see people combining science and art on such skill so keep it up :-) and by the way I wish you luck with your bachelor degree and art school aplication :nod:
I am very honorable of you that my work is inspired. I really appreciate such good quality work and I congratulate you for your amazing reconstructions.
Greetings from Argentina
Nope, those are some of the best reconstructions i have ever seen.

My Elopterys is based on Mr. Gonzalez's Velociraptor/Dromaeosaurus. His is in pencil, mine is in acrylic.
My Elopteryx reconstruction was the first painting i ever made and so i used black and white only to get an idea of the differences between pencil and paint.

Mr. Gonzalez's work is some of the best i have ever seen and i am not ashamed to say that i copied his style of drawing scales, his are the most accurate and esthetically pleasing that i know of, also the most time-consuming to draw.

I hope this is in no way misunderstood as stealing his works.

I just found his style the best and i use it.
your T.rex is in this web:


Sir, really... why haven't I found your gallery earlier? It's a real shame.
I hope you'll forgive my inattention. :giggle: