Frame Photoshop brushesLileya on DeviantArt

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Lileya's avatar

Frame Photoshop brushes



Frame brushes

The brushes were made in Photoshop 6.0 and they are compatible with the higher versions of Photoshop (7.0, CS, CS2).

Take a look at 'Brush list' in my journal for more of my brushes.

The terms of use

:bulletred: The brushes are for non-commercial and commercial use.
:bulletred: If you use them please credit me with a link to ~Lileya
:bulletred: Please let me know if you use my brushes. Send me the link at your work. I'd like to see and maybe to +fav it.

How to install brushes:

1. Save the file in your Photoshop Brushes folder: Your disk:Program FilesAdobePhotoshopPresetsBrushes.
2. Open Photoshop and choose the load brushes feature on the menu.
© 2005 - 2025 Lileya
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GBLXVIII's avatar
Very cool.
Thank you!!